Showing of Several Comics Featuring Hellboy, Created by Mike Mignola. Some Autographed.

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Today on @CoolStuffWithKyle, we look at several comics featuring Hellboy, a character created by Mike Mignola. Featuring Next Men #21 (Faith 3 of 4, which is considered one of the first appearances of Hellboy), Seed of Destruction #1 (The first titled Hellboy series comic, signed by Mike Mignola), and the entire series of 4 comics forming the story Conqueror Worm (#1 - #4, each signed by Mike Mignola). All are published by Dark Horse Comics. Also featuring an action figure from the Hellboy Animated DVD movie release. Some of these comics inspired the movie Hellboy, from director Guillermo Del Toro, especially Seed of Destruction.
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