Marineland Penguin Pro 275 Power filter!

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One of my Aquaclear filters took a dump so I switched over to these.
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Hey JD, I have the Penguin Pro 375 on my 53 gallon and love it ! I'm commenting a year from this vid but my 375 is great. Funny about the trickling of water when you turned them on. I do weekly water changes and noticed if you fill the tank kinda way above the minimum water line for the motor, you hear the sound of the water trickling into the tank. I took out 32 to 48 oz. of water and no more trickling sound, although I was still above the minimum water line. Weird, and you may have already found this out, just thought I would mention it. My tank is a Marineland also and had no difficulty with the 375 Pro fitting on the back. I did hear of these HOB filters not fitting on some tanks but I had no issues and my 375 is a year and half old and still going strong. I have a few friends that have Aqueon tanks and have no issues with these filters on them. Great vid, and keep those tanks looking awesome !!


You got a great bunch of fish in your tank. Great colors. Also great review.


The best review that I have seen on these filters so far. I am thinking about one of these for my 29 gallon that I am setting up. I’ve used aqaua clear HOB as well and they always just seem to die on me. I also hate (really hate) the fact that I have to prime it every time I do a WC or the power goes out. Sometimes it doesn’t want to start back up and when it does, it takes a while to purge all of the air bubbles.


great video thank you so much you are second video about this filter and really explained everything i needed to know. Thank you!


FYI- The cord gets tucked under the tank itself so you don't have to wrap it around, look for the indented spot to tuck it in. I just set up a new tank ( my first in 15+ years) and within 24 hours have lost 2 fish to the intake pipe. One little fish got trapped all the way in the little open space at the top of the tube and another large fish had the end of its fin stuck. Now I'm afraid for the rest of my fish.


My question is what the carbon wheel part is not spinning at all is that something to worry about??


I use prefilters on all my hob filters. Never has any problems 😤


I have that filter and I hate Idk what is wrong with it… wheel doesnt turn and water comes out from the side where the tube is and the side where the filters are and they are noisy. This is the 2 one…I took the 1 one back because I thought it was messed up but apparently its not…..because this one I exchanged it for is doing the same thing. Its annoying me cause idk how to fix


Thanks for bricks and mortar store for instant satisfaction!


How is the filter? Planing to get one for my 60 g tank. Just purchased the tidal 75 and returning it. Can't use the basket and the full power, it bypasses most of the flow. And its very noisy.


This is an awesome review. Thanks brother. (P.S. I'm in Arizona. 😂)


Funny that I’m here cause because my Aquaclear 30 is still working, BUT isn’t pumping nearly the water it used to. I could buy the motor and impeller to fix it, buy a new Aquaclear for the same price, or buy this. I think I’m going with the marineland.


My pump is making the same noise as your at 13:40. How does it quit making a loud splashing water sound? Thxks


I upgraded to fx 4 and few sponge filters and got rid of my two noisy filters like yours


My wheel doesn’t spin and the water comes out over the motor as well. Can’t figure out what’s wrong


Any advice for this exact filter not working after set up and being plugged in?


My Penguin 275 will not pump water. I hear a hum but that's it


You used to rip marineland products a new one! LOL. Good looking tank.


Can you tell me what the dark purple with black stripes is? I have one competing now to be tank boss. Very Agro! Love him but rest of my tribe not feeling it


mine won’t start filtering. like i put it together the right way and everything and when i plug it in it won’t work. that happens with every filter i have
