Why Argentina Is Doomed to Fail Over and Over Again

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Argentina's prosperity used to rival the US, but now it is bouncing between economic highs and lows. In just decades, it's seen rapid growth and dire crashes five times. What keeps derailing this nation's economy, and can it break the cycle, and what can we learn from their unique economic situation?

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Рекомендации по теме

“Japan has everything to fail but it doesn’t.
Argentina has everything to succeed but it doesn’t.”


Argentina, in 20 days everything changes, in 20 years, everything stays the same.


Ser argentino no es solamente pasar una crisis sino vivir en una compleja capa de crisis tras crisis que ya no sabes si terminaste de salir de una siquiera. Vivo hace 23 años aca y desde que naci hasta ahora siempre estuvimos en crisis.


Como argentino, la idea de que algunos países sufren una inflación anual menor a la que tenemos mensualmente me vuela la cabeza.


This video has more faith in Argentina than actual Argentinian have on their country


The country that never misses an opportunity to miss an opportunity.


There's a flaw that's crucial to understand: growth is not the same as recovery. That's why it's so easy for us to "grow" so much in such a short amount of time, because in the end that's not growing, that's recovering to an earlier state. In absolute terms, Argentina has not grown since 2011, we have the same amount of employment as we had back then but with a few more million people, explaining why our GDP is so low.


É incrível um país maravilhoso como a Argentina tenha tantos políticos dispostos a arruiná-la😢


Being from the other end of the world, it feels like Argentina exists so economists have something to be frustrated about.


“throughout history there have been only four kinds of economies in the world: advanced, developing, Japan, and Argentina”
Always been one of my favorite economics related quotes.


Last year I was playing with someone from argentina and I somebody asked in chat "How do you live in your country with such a unstable economy" and he said "We get adepted to it".


As a 21 years old argentinian it is very frustrating to think about our future when everything is so uncertain. Everything is hopeless and at the same time very sad because we love our country very much 😢


As an argentinian, I'm really torn. Everything you say is true but watching someone from a different country say how my country is doomed to fail is deeply depressing.


As an Argentinean and an economist, I confirm everything this video says. For me, the main cause of this mess is the lack of political agreements on basic issues. Literally yesterday, more things happened in the country than in the five seasons of house of cards, and it is not a joke, the second political coalition was dismantled in one day due to internal conflicts and personal ambitions. This is common currency here.
However, the businessmen I know still stay in the country, because in those brief periods of growth and stabilization, you can make more money and live much better than anywhere else in the world. The day that all these debates take place and there is a common point of agreement, no one will stop us (I have to believe or kill myself).


Como un Argentino promedio, me frustra tanto el ver que la solución puede llegar a ser tan simple, pero al tener gobernantes tan incompetentes y avariciosos termina siendo en mas y mas perdida. Tan simple como: no mas cepo, deja que las industrias crezcan generando bienes para vender y paga las deudas que tenes, obviamente eso no se hace de un día para el otro pero todo se resume en el mismo cancer... los políticos. Y te lo escribo en español porque te entendí.


Saying that we pursue high standards of living and we need some level of austerity with 40% poverty is probably one of the most cynical things I've heard. We are literally fighting to get an ok deal renting a house. How much low do you want us to be?


One secret way that a lot of countries got wealthy is by bureaucracy. In Japan, they had a competent Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Economy which was able to operate outside the day-to-day nonsense of politics. Argentina has too much political nonsense going on all the time. There needs to be stable, predictable governance so people can focus on their own personal goals instead of trying to navigate all the problems that leaders keep changing, revising, creating. Who can focus on running a business if everyday its some new nonsense?


Unfortunately, your GDP numbers are calculated using the official USD/ARS exchange rate. The real exchange rate is more than half than that. So no, the economy has not doubled in two years.


I was on vacation over a year ago in Buenos Aires. Our tour guide was a retired Argentinian woman who really hadn't retired, because she still had to work as a tour guide. The whole black market in USDs was a thing, but one of the most remarkable things was that our guide told us that she just found out that the retirees had received a bump in their benefits, just announced. How much of an increase in a pension, you may ask? Um, no financial increase, but the government announced a 3 kilogram grant of meat for each person. Yup...meat. Well, people do have to eat and Argentina is famous for its beef, but...

One day, there was a massive rally of, I think, farmers on the major thoroughfare of BA, where the obelisk is and half a block from our hotel. Fortunately, we had an outing to a farm for the day and the protest had actually been fully cleared by the time we returned early in the evening.

I think Argentina must be a lovely country. At least BA was wonderful, nice people, very European and sophisticated. If I could feel sorry for a country, I would feel sorry for Argentina. Seemingly so much to offer.


Argentina being the "Fastest growing GDP in the world" shows the limits of GDP measurement. With "real" GDP growth, there would have been ample money to pay back debts rather than being mired in yet another collapsed economy. There are just way too many ways to make "Bookkeeping GDP Growth Gains", with the classic example of digging a hole, and then filling it back in.
