6 Sneaky Ways Satan Attacks

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Satan's desire is to kill, steal and destroy anything of value in your life. In today's episode we talk about 6 sneaky ways that Satan attacks.

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Kris we are attacked by Satan every day.
— The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist. Thank you for this teaching. I need God's word everyday. You teach the truth which is everything. Kris this brought me to my knees and I cried as I have never cried before. I fight everyday with Satan. I have been divorced for 10 yrs and i was lost. I went back to living the devils ways. I am a sinner and i need God's Grace.
This message gave me hope. I asked God to forgive me and I am now trying to live a life as a servant of Christ. You are truly a blessing from the Lord . I want ever forget the lessons here and like the song Amazing Grace says, I was once lost now I am found twas blind but now I see.!!! Because of your Amazing teachings that God gave you . I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart Kris . Yours truly, Scott Dickens USMC


This was nothing nothing but God. Thank you!!!


Thank You, we tend to focus on satan Wayyy too Much..Time to rely on the Power of Christ that already defeated satan. PRAISE


"Stay closer to the throne of God"


I woke up early disturbed in my spirit, so I decided to Google Sneaky Satan, and your vid appeared. Thanks. We as a nation are deceived. Keep speaking that light.


This was no coincidence that I found this video especially after the enemy came after me all day. Alleluia Father God thank you for this amazing woman of God 🙏🏼 thank you Mrs. Kris Reece it was right on time.


Thank you Minister Reese. These traps you speak of here are so vital to me and the body of Christ as a whole. This is a good REGULAR reminder of us to be alert not only of the Adversary, but what is in our hearts.


I need to pray for discernment. I enjoy your teachings Kris.


GOOD WORD. The devil is the Father of All lies.


I cannot begin to say how much this message has helped me. This is one of the few teachings that points out the dangers of the overemphasis of Satan’s influence as well as the perils of ignoring his interference. Thank you!


Praise the Lord I have found this after being blinded. Amen


Hail He who gave us light! Hail He who gave us free will! Hail Morningstar! All hail Bringer of Light!


Kris, you are a breath of fresh air.. Spirit led and GOD-FEARING…

Your Ministry is long overdue… Stay connected to The True Vine… Jesus Christ…

Love and Prayers,
Your Sister In Christ,
Joyce Jones


I have been struggling with many of the issues you have spoken about. I have always been singled out for racism, I have been rejected from every church I've been to and I have struggled with pride. This video was very helpful and comforting.


This is so good!!! It is filled with timely, fresh reminders of old truths. I now realize that I had a few on her list that crept into my soul over time and have since repented after watching this by allowing the teaching to speak into my blind spots. Satan is such a liar! Jesus is absolute Truth and has set me free. Whom the Son sets free is free indeed 😇.


You don't know how many people you are helping through creating awareness


Thank you so much. Im so glad I found you. It's very comforting listening to you. Amen


Yes, very helpful. I grew up in the church. My grandparents were pastors, their parents were pastors, my parents pastors, my brother, you get jest. I became a Truck driver after I was a youth leader for a many years. And my family & I have a strained relationship. For some reason they have always tried to steer me clear of working in the church. My father has even told me "You wouldn't do well as pastor, go be something else." I thought that was interesting for him to say that because one of his colleagues from seminary was my professor and told him straight up "You must be proud of your daughter. The way she breaks down scripture. She's already a better speaker than you. If you're not careful, she'll take your job." And I have had strangers that I have met in stores for all of 10 minutes of conversation ask me "Are you a pastor? If not, why? The way you talk and the way you draw people in, you have a gift. You can change so many lives." I've had friends I've known for over 25yrs since High school tell me that I should become a pastor, friends who I would have never saw entering a church tell me "Why are you a Pastor? Tiff, you have a gift. You have a love for God that is unstoppable and I want that love too." So, yes SATAN uses our closest to turn us away from GOD's purpose for our lives. For God's plan for his people. But NOT anymore. I'm NOT listening to the dried up bones of my parents anymore. Just because they lost their faith in God, doesn't mean I have to stop serving God in a way I know I'm capable. The last time my dad told me I wasn't capable of being a pastor, I told him...."You should really crack your bible because last time I checked, God equips the called. Not the other way around." And when my mom was unnerved by my giddiness around the house, dancing, singing about God more each day and she said "What is your problem?" I said "What are you talking about?" She said "That's all you talk about is God. There's other things in life then God." I looked at her and said "Wow! Really? You're pastor's wife right. You do ministry in the church, right? Come here, let me show you something. (I walked her over to the bathroom, had her stand in front of the mirror) asked her "What do you see?" She said "You and I standing here." (i moved out of the way), I asked again, "What do you see?" She said "Me. Why?" I shook my head and said "Mom, maybe I'm not the problem." And I walked out of the room. I've noticed something when other's faith isn't as strong, they like to put the spotlight on other's lives and try and tear them down. Misery loves company right? Don't let 'em. They are clearly dealing with their own demons, redirect their path. Not in a mean way, just a realistic way. And leave it alone. That's their journey, not yours.

My friends always tell me "Don't tell your parents about your breakthrough in church or your new job at the church, because you know they'll just hate on you and try and talk you out of it." That's true, they do. But sometimes I tell my parents because I want to see if they have changed. If God has been working in their lives. I can pray all I want for them to heal whatever wounds they have in their lives, but unless they reach out to God himself, it's moot point. I realized that yesterday. When I told my mom about a opportunity I was given in my church family and she uttered the words "Well, you can't. You don't have time. You have a lot on your plate." with that answer she snubbed her nose and gave me a dirty look. And then a few minutes later, I asked a hard question, I already knew the answer to, but I was hoping I was wrong. I asked "Mom, if I wasn't in a time management crunch or my health was up to par or whatever, would you think I could do it? Be honest." She said "No, I don't. You don't belong in ministry." And even though I knew that answer was coming from her lips, it didn't hurt any less. Because I knew that moment I will probably NEVER get my parents support. And that's is soul crushing. She's okay with writing a book about my life and my struggles, but not okay with me becoming a leader in the church.

My dad however, I'll never forget what he said to me about 5yrs ago. I was talking to someone in his church. I didn't go to his church for many reasons. But someone from his church was having lunch with me and was amazed by what had happened to me a few years prior. I had come out of a coma, I had lost my life a brief moment and they revived me. But was in a coma for 3 days. The person had boasted to my parents about how incredible my story was. And my dad was furious that I shared that with that person. He yelled at me. Actually said "You need to STOP bragging about what God did for you. It's unappealing." I was like "Wait, what?" I was taken back by what he just said and then I looked him and said "Wow, when did you get so jaded? What happened to you? I was always taught that when God did things for you, especially things like that it's not called bragging. It's called a TESTIMONY. My bad."

I couldn't believe what he said. So, I happy they are retired and no longer in the church as leaders. They don't even really attend church anymore. They claim is because of Covid. But when I talk to my mom about why they aren't in church, she gives every excuse under the sun why they can't attend a church their town. It's too far. It's too loud. It's too rock star-ish. It's too big. It's too small. No one talks to us. No one reaches out to us.

So I told her You're either going to make excuses or your going to make it happen. It's your choice. Either you want to be involved in Christian fellowship or you don't. I'd say you can say home and do it there, but when I am visiting. I don't ever see you pray over your food. I don't see you pray with my child. I don't see you crack your bible. I don't see CHRIST in your life. Christ didn't leave you. You left Him. That was your choice.

So, yeah people will project their flaws, their short comings, their struggles especially in the church. They want to seem as if their life is PERFECT while everyone is falling apart.

@KrisReece, you pointed out Diverting scripture to fit their narrative. Yes, that's a BIG one. Everyone thinks the pastor's family is perfect. I got news for people, we're not. We have struggles just like everyone, if anything we have more spiritual problems than others because SATAN wants to attack from within the church and from within our home so he can turn others away from the church. So outsiders can view church goers and pastors as Hypocrites. People need to remember though, We are CHRISTIANS. We are FORGIVEN. NOT perfect. We are HUMAN. Not Immortal. We are NOT Jesus.


Have you ever been stuck not being able to refute nor get a negative thought in your mind? I've lost 5 family members and 3 friends from cancer. Now my loved one is going through it. I constantly try to fight the thoughts that life is hard, why pray, and that God wants to sabotage me.


Thank you for the message!! May God keep on using you and the whole ministry for his glory. For he is worthy of al praise.

May God bless you ❤️
