Cs20half day3 trimb

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The 20th (and a half) Cambridge Workshop on Cool Stars, Stellar Systems, and the Sun
Day 3 Plenary Sessions:
Leen Decin The ALMA ATOMIUM Large Program: (Sub)stellar companions shape the winds of evolved stars
Roberta Humphreys The Mass Loss History of the Red Hypergiant VY CMa
Markus Wittkowski Investigating mass loss from RSG and AGB stars using the new mid-IR VLTI-MATISSE imaging instrument
Lars Mattsson Why gas-dust drift is a crucial component in models of AGB winds

Nate Bastian (invited) Multiple stellar populations in globular clusters
: Anna Fabiola Marino Chemical abundance variations among stellar populations in globular clusters
Giacomo Cordoni Internal Dynamics of Multiple Stellar Populations in Globular Clusters
Travis Metcalfe A New Understanding of Magnetic Stellar Evolution
Ryan Terrien Modulated Zeeman signatures as spectroscopic tracers of M dwarf stellar rotation
Antonino Milone Multiple stellar populations among very low-mass stars

Proceedings from the Cambridge Workshop on Cool Stars, Stellar Systems, and the Sun, - Virtually Cool: hosted by Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory Cambridge, Massachusetts from 2 – 4 March 2021.
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