JavaScript Recursion Examples | Javascript Recursion Tutorial

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Finding JavaScript recursion examples that are applicable to real-life coding situations and not just math problems can be difficult. With Javascript, this tutorial introduces the concept of recursion and provides both standard and real-life examples for you to learn from.

Javascript Recursion Examples | Javascript Recursion Tutorial

(0:00) Intro
(0:14) What is Recursion?
(1:54) Iteration vs Recursion
(3:24) Reason to use and not to use Recursion
(4:49) The Fibonacci Sequence
(7:33) Find the nth Fibonacci Number
(11:11) Real World Recursion: Example 1
(13:57) Real World Recursion: Example 2

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That was a great intro! At first I thought there was an editing problem but you taught me what it was pretty easily!


Dave, great intro! Btw, just want you to know that you are my primary source of Front End learning, for the last 4 months at least. Appreciate your work brother.


Substantial benchmark: In some languages (like all the low levels), recursion is converted into a loop, so it improves performance. In JavaScript this does not happen, however, so recursion has this cost of calling a function where the context has to switch and all the object literal must be tested again (name, arguments, lexical scope, the body of the function, etc.). So in JavaScript may be preferable to run a loop over recursion if performance is your pursue.


This has to be one of the best if not THE BEST video I have seen on recursion


The best. Real world examples solidify the understanding.


I like the last excercise, I tried myself and failed, so I try again, took me 25 mins to have the solution but this type of things help us improving into recursion that at least for me, is difficult

function getArtistNames2(dataObj, res = []) {
=> {
return Array.isArray(x)
? res.push(...x)
: getArtistNames2(x, res)
return res


Lol, you got me real good at the beginning of the video... had to pause and check my video timeline again 😂😂😁😁


Dave, you are the Mother Theresa of programming! It is obvious you truly care for those of us who desperately need programming knowledge. Thank you!!


Recursion was covered in the Eloquent JS book with a somewhat complicated context, in my opinion, for why the recursive function was needed, which I felt muddled the focus of the lesson. When, why, and how to implement recursion was still very fuzzy afterwards. Can't emphasize enough how the incremental build up of your examples, from simple to complex, made recursion MUCH easier to wrap my head around. Feeling a lot more confident in my understanding now. The real-life/practical examples (very rare) was the cherry on top. This whole vid is chef's kiss; if I could like it a million times, I would. Subscribed and hit the bell. Thank you, Dave!!!


Funny intro haha. I looked away from the video and thought did my computer freeze 😂.


Love your videos, I decided to look up basics of recursion first then watch and make my solution and it was exactly the same as yours. This video does help reinforce what I read though and the real world examples are so helpful. I used recursion for the pascal's triangle in one of your previous videos I viewed as well to calculate the factorials.


You are really valuable teacher/dev. Thank you so much for your time and effort


Would you be able to explain the fibPos function at 9:30? Is the pos variable changing? I'm having trouble wrapping my head around that. Any explanation would be super appreciated.

Great videos, thanks!


I was having a hard time with how the call stack manage the functions calls so i made this to see it more graphically, essentially every function call can't finish if his child hasn't finish execution (eg: returning a value), hope it helps someone, It is intended just to see how recursion works in a more graphical way and i guess is not the best code to solve a problem since it in only work for factorial of 3. Happy coding :)

function factorial3() {

function factorial2() {

function factorial1() {
return 1;

return 2 * factorial1();

return 3 * factorial2();

// Calling factorial(3)
const result = factorial3();
console.log(result); // Output: 6


Terimakasih pak Dave, penjelasanya sangat jelas, walaupun masih kurang mengerti tapi saya tetap mendapatkan sedikit progress. Dapat saya simpulkan bahwasanya setiap recursive function membutuhkan if statement untuk melakukan perulangan apakah betul? dan terimakasih sekali lagi pak Dave, menonton video ini, saya bisa belajar 2 bahasa sekaligus, JavaScript dan English 😁😁


I love your explanation and real world examples!


Top quality content. Absolutely mind-blowing


Great vid with great examples. I thought you did a great job explaining. Thank you !!


The definition lines you paste (only while explaining) is something even I also actually do it. 😁

I would rate this as one of the way to explain beautifully bcoz people can only focus on those two lines to get the complete gist of what we're explaining


And again you published another great video,
and again you published another great and interesting video,
and again you published another great and interesting and inspiring video. 😏😉😁
