Meris prEDITOR (LVX) U.I. Overview (Official) 4K

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Our 1st ever desktop Meris Editor/Librarian focusing on LVX (pro audio pedal) first. Get to the Chopper! Designed from the ground up, watch Jinna Kim demonstrate the visuals. With quick drag and drop methods, prEDITOR allows easy organization of presets, libraries and import/exports. This will take the award winning LVX to NEW heights and speed. Shift LVX into warp speed mode during sound design exploration. prEDITOR allows you to quickly create presets, move them around, select your favorites, duplicate, swap, delete, assign your left and right favorites, import/export, access globals quickly and organize libraries.

Important Note: For long time LVX users, a manual backup of presets is recommended before installing prEDITOR for the first time. Some feature changes may have been made after the making of this video.

0:00 - intro
0:50 - requirements and 1st backup
2:01 - modal
3:08 - live device
6:36 - live device to new library
7:12 - importing ext libraries
7:35 - saved libraries
10:50 - exporting and importing sysex
12:12 - reset preset
12:23 - library organizer
13:28 - categories
17:30 - save or save as
18:16 - LF/RF
18:53 - globals
19:53 - outro

Manufactured and Designed in California, USA.

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Yall are really the Denis Villeneuve/Chris Nolan of the pedal world...Unbelievable job with this editor!! So easy, intuitive, clean, modern, and blazing fast! The ability to store ALL THE PRESETS i want and switch libraries is unreal, this made the legendary LVX even more unstoppable, thank you so much for pouring your heart, soul and vision into this. A masterpiece of art and aesthetics ❤


Kudos Jinna, for a first UI design and software application you've nailed it with LVX and prEDITOR! Can't believe nobody has used that name before either, it's so obvious!


Simply brilliant. The librarian features alone would be a MAJOR upgrade to the LVX, the ability to edit on screen and hear changes immediately is just incredible. I love the graphical UI on the hardware unit, but this makes really deep complex editing sessions just a joy, and I've only spent a couple of hours with it. Thanks so much, your work on this and graphical interface is fantastic.

EDIT: I also just realized how incredibly useful the quick dock is to quickly understand how a preset was built. I've only ever dug deeply into a handful of factory presets to see how they were made, the quick dock (and also the comprehensive one page view of all the modifiers) is making taking presets apart to see how they work a snap. Just great.


Incredible! Thank you Meris and great job on the video Jinna! Looking forward to Mercury X support!!


This was so fun to work on, I can't wait to see what people are able to make with it. ❤


Thanks so much for this. My middle-aged eyes could only handle so much editing on the small screen! Already up and running on it. Amazing work. This will really help a lot of people unlock the full power of this beautiful machine.


This thing has blown me away - truly innovative and inspiring and wonderfully well thought through - amazing work Jinna ❤


I could cry tears of joy, hoping for Mercury X support soon!


You all are amazing. My LVX and Mercury X arrived today, and I cannot get over how great they sound. And now this! Thank you all.


Awesome. Very nicely done. Can’t wait to get the editor for MercuryX!!!


Thank you Jinna and everyone involved, LVX really needed this editor to fully shine, or should i say, we who are not that patient needed it :) It looks great, hope it will work with my focusrite scarlet 18i8.


This is most excellent! I am very excited to try this out. Being able to edit the 16 step sequencer or the multi tap delay types so easily will be a game changer! Thank you guys so much!


Thank you Team Meris. Great job. It is perfectly working with a generic USB to 5pin MIDI in/out cable.


This is a great product. Thank you SO much for being so thoughtful about workflow and UI. Like others, very excited to see this on the MercuryX. Both pedals are fixtures in my sound now. You’ve assembled a great team.


Thank you for all your work on this. It makes it so much easier to use.


Jinna, the quick view drop down is awesome! I'm someone who likes to see how complex a patch is without deep diving, and this will be so welcome. Now bring on the MercuryX!!!


i just have to say i have literally been waiting for this forever and i am so happy its finally here. Great job girl thank you thank you! Lvx is so much more of a joy now with this. Hopefully it comes to mercury x soon as well!


Thanks so much for this amazingly useful software, I can’t wait to dive in and take my LVX to new levels of awesome!


Wow I got the LVX at the right time! So excited for this!


Thank you so much! Can't wait to put this to good use.
