Trekyards EP94 - USS Wasp (Bill Krause Design)

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WASP Interceptor - Designed by Bill Krause

Length: 285m
Beam: 142m
Displacement: 195,000 metric tons
Propulsion: (2) LN-68 Mod1 Warp Drives
Speed: Warp 8.75
Complement: 210
Phasers: (6) pair twin-turret mounts
Photons: Forward stinger-mounted weapons pod (2) Tubes
Embarked Craft: 24+

The WASP is the second vessel built of the HORNET Class Interceptors. Developed as a tactical fighter carrier, the interceptor classification was added for its dual role in anti-piracy patrol duties. Replacing many of the aging destroyers along the Orion borders near the Coridan System, these ships feature an extensive flight deck encompassing the internal inner ring of the primary hull. Dual hangar doors are mounted on either end of the primary - port and starboard. Externally, on the stinger hull, are 10 hexagonal docking ports for the rapid deployment of 2-man fighter craft. The WASP herself is well armed and features a modular weapons pod on its lower stinger hull. A bow-mounted navigational deflector is installed on the lower primary. The B/C deck is extended and features wardroom and recreation facilities aft of the bridge. The four large thrusters located above and below the winglets allow WASP to maneuver very nimbly at sub-light velocities within the tight quarters of asteroid fields or fluidic nebula.

Thanks for your consideration,

Bill Krause

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I like how the the saucer is very enterprise era intrepid


I could see the Wasp being a Rapid Response destroyer, not a carrier/cruiser. I like the design cause it’s definitely better looking than some other ships.


"When diplomacy fails, there's only one - Captain Janeway


@16:05 -- phaser cannons maybe?

Also, I love the white and blue aesthetic of the Constitution-refit era of starships. Made them feel more realistic to me, like Starfleet was the natural evolution of NASA.


What this looks like is a tug boat, where that bottom "stinger" is actually there to attach to a cargo platform or tube.


Please do a video on the stunning USS Shangri-la..


The USS Wasp was the most beautiful aircraft carrier the US Navy had in WWII! Unfortunately she served only briefly during the beginning of the Guadal Canal campaign. She got off many strikes against Japanese landing positions off islands, and also attacks against some Japanese landing support convoys, but early in that campaign a Japanese sub torpedoed her, and not having the degree of armor and compartmentalization of larger carriers, she suffered unstoppable flooding that sunk her eventually. This Star Fleet vessel is also very beautiful!


when i GM'ed star trek the rpg i had the whole crew stats and names for a con frefit class ship. such fun times.


USS Wasp was a WWII carrier CV-7 (1940), CV-18 (1943). Currently an amphibious assault ship, LHD-1. There were at least 10 ships to carry the name Wasp.


To the question weather or the Federation uses fighters: we need to keep in mind that GENERALLY, we only tend to see the 3rd, 6th and 9th fleets on screen.

3rd Fleet = Rapid response Security to core worlds

6th Fleet = Short Range Exploration that stays close to the core worlds, but does venture out. The Enterprise D was the fleet commander of the 6th Fleet.

9th Fleet = Long Range Explorers

On screen, we *DO* see Wesley Crusher training as a fighter pilot. Through novelization its suggested the 2nd and 4th fleet employ fighters.

When considering which ships look "Federation Like", 'we' might wish to consider to what fleet they are supposed to be assigned to and the primary mission of said fleet.

As a followup here's a bunch fan made manuals that are REALLY good. They distributed free on their site at the time so I don't believe there's any copyright issues sharing here:


As I recall, Enterprise D was attacked by a group of "fighter equivalent" vessels and its phaser banks easily obliterated the entire squadron.
Carriers in a universe where you can destroy fighters kilometers away seem worthless unless they have some sort of shielding and sheer amount of numbers, and speed, to overwhelm the point defense capabilities of a full fledged starship.

This said, I do love how this ship looks.


I may be inspired to kit bash now that I've seen a few of these now. Great video guys! Thanks a bunch! Love the ship and do think a smaller bridge would make the ship more believable.


Warp 1 - 3 on a fighter makes sense if the Wasp is a Carrier. using our solar system as a model for a battle scenario where an enemy ship that you want to attack is in earth orbit. warp the wasp or a carrier into Jupiter orbit (in the sensor shadow of Jupiter). send the fighters out and have them warp to the enemy ship at warp 1 (eta 20 minutes) or warp 3 (eta a few seconds). the fighters engage the enemy ship or ships taking out weapons, shields, engines. this is kind of how carrier battles were conducted in WWII. the carrier would stay out of range of enemy ships. the bombers and fighters would go out and engage the enemy ships from a safe distance.


The only starship that you can fire like a phaser pistol.


This looks like a rapid deployment vessel to me, no long term missions, out to the target do the job and back, so no need for all the creature comforts. Probably has barracks instead of state rooms, a large mess, command and control, weapons stations, sick bay, and that's pretty much it. Used for hit and run attacks and system defense, can't have the big boys always floating around the core worlds after all. No mater how many ships of the line, there are there will always be a need for fighters. Low altitude attacks, action in asteroid fields, defense against pirates and insurgents, and in a support role for the larger vessels.


This ship is in Star Trek Legacy a game from 2006


Love the ski underneath. I did something similar on a ship with a single under-slung engine.


id like to see a quad engine but they compacted to look like 2 nacells


My God. Has it been seven years already? Holy shit! Love you guys!


I really like this design I could see Starfleet making it if the need was there 😊
