Inspiration4 | Q&A with Inspiration4 Crew

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Inspiration4, the world’s first all-civilian mission to orbit, is targeted to launch no earlier than 8:02 p.m. EDT on Wednesday, September 15, 2021. Watch the crew discuss their mission from historic Launch Complex 39A at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida.
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Chris is great. Just a guy, living his life with his family. And he just kinda gets chosen to go to space. Sure, he's taking it seriously and doing all the trainings and such. But still, he's just a regular guy. Going to space. I hope I'm not the only one who feels that that is inspirational.


I'm a 64 year old man that is so inspired by this mission. I watched the Netflix series (twice) about this mission and could not hold back the tears with my wife. We will be donating heavy to St. Judes tomorrow . The real inspiration to my wife and I is Elon's vision and his "Grey matter" that is making mankind so much better here and beyond. Side note is that he had also made us so much money in the stock market with Tesla stock. In the last two years he has also also changed our financial life as well.. Our stock portfolio is 98% Tesla and we will never sell a share of it. We live and breathe Elon every hour and can't get enough of him. We are so blessed and yes, INSPIRED.
Steve & Lynn Munier
Goodyear, AZ


Watching Tim show up at the end was a real pleasant surprise.



These four individuals are so deserving of their dreams! I am actually astounded at the people who feel the government would be more successful or prepared than the private sector that actually employs the talent, brains skills at a cost.. These people are the best hand selected roles ever!


58:19 the way he greeted Tim Dodd and recognized him in the end was like truly showing his enthusiasm and excitement like a young dog wiggling it's tail. I mean, that says enough! Love it! Love you Tim Dodd and Godspeed Inspiration 4💪


We as a family cannot express how excited I am for tomorrow. It’s going to be really indescribably amazing mission, and all the tests gonna be done up there in you Jared and Spacex you giving all this speed and good luck to you all from Cape Town South Africa


To me, this mission is one of the most inspiring moments in the history of mankind for all the symbolism it implies, and as important as the first spaceflight that landed humans on the Moon in 1969. Godspeed to the Inspiration4 mission!


I absolutely love Benji reeds reaction when he saw that Tim Dodd was up for his question. It really shows how much respect there is in the Space community for him and what he does as the Everyday Astronaut.


Heroes are people who face danger for a higher purpose than stroking their ego.
Opening new doors, making new rules and stepping into an unfamiliar environment ... not only for St. Jude but for the entire Human race ... make them genuine heroes in my book.


What a time to be alive...watching the world’s first all civilian mission flying to Earth's orbit. Amazing and Inspirational.


This is such an amazing moment in history! Congratulations to the entire crew, and safe travels! To our alumna, Hayley Arceneaux--we're watching at home and sending you tons of Louisiana love!


I'm completely OBSESSED with this HISTORIC and INSPIRATIONAL MISSION is going to be amazing!! Good luck and godspeed and God bless to the AMAZING CREW, you and all of your families are in my prayers!!


Benji’s reaction to seeing Tim was my favourite thing ever!


The incredible hard work it takes to survive in space, should give you pause and appreciation for the miracle of the paradise we get to live in on Earth.


Props to SpaceX for including NSF (nasaspaceflight) along with Tim Dodd (Everyday Astronaut) among the reporters!


This Q&A was awesome! I was so inspired by Dr. Sian Proctor, and I absolutely love this quote: "I think that is just going to be inspiring. You can know that those dreams you had as a kid can still come true. Because a lot of times we think we've missed our prime, once our twenties and thirties go by, and then we get into our forties and we're like oh yeah, alright, um, but it's not true."


I’m so excited for tomorrow, it makes me so emotional thinking about the importance and the legacy this crew will leave to mankind. I’ve always have dreamt about going to space and it is almost unbelievable how close we are to comercial space travel. It’s truly a dream, it feels almost magical. The best of luck to this amazing crew! The whole world will be watching!


I genuinely don't think there has ever been a time in my life where I have smiled non stop for 4 and half hours. Fantastic.


We believe in the crew team & the mission. History in making. Glad that I get to witness this success to mankind.


i am immensely inspired by them. they displayed such commitment to go through the training and literally put their lives at risk sitting in that rocket. when i think of my problems in life, they're not so great anymore.
