BlueHat Seattle 2019 || Modern Binary Analysis with ILs

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Jordan Wiens & Peter LaFosse

Modern binary analysis, whether for discovering vulnerabilities or analyzing malware needs automation to deal with the volume of code under inspection. And yet, while Intermediate Languages (ILs) have been used for decades in compiler design and implementation, too few reverse engineers have any experience with them even though many reverse engineering tools (Binary Ninja, Ghidra, IDA) are built on top of ILs. Given that, it's time to demystify this space and make it accessible beyond just computer scientists and researchers. There's many potentially unfamiliar concepts related to ILs: single-static assignment, value-set analysis, three argument form versus tree-based designs, and others. But what matters is how these ILs can help you build better binary analysis tools. This talk not only gives you an overview of existing ILs used in reverse engineering, but more importantly, shows you how your tooling can benefit from them. From cross-platform analysis (follow a botnet from an x86-64 desktop to a mobile arm, to an embedded MIPS), to leveraging existing data-flow capabilities that brings some of the benefits both dynamic and static analysis together, this talk will demonstrate several examples of plugins that leverage ILs to improve your ability to automatically reason over compiled code.
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