Gears! - But Were Afraid To Ask (MiniLathe)

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This video is very information-dense. I apologize, but: nature of the beast.

However! Astound your friends with how much you'll know about gears!
Amazing before-seen footage of Indexing, dividing, and gear cutting!
Stop making due with plain text video descriptions: Watch for yourself!

More than you wanted to know about gears: 0:00-10:50
Gear Cutters: 10:50
Indexing & Dividing: 14:18
Dividing Head: 19:43
Actually cutting a gear: 24:42
Metal gears in the mini-lathe: 26:28

The musical blip at the end: Green Hills - Jingle Punks
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Cool, I'm in your video! ∙D
(Those darn lasers were red, though...)


My 15 year old son watches you all the time. "Quit watching Old Tony" said no parent ever.


I'm Italian and I do appreciate not only your humour but also the way you make a person like me, a complete stranger to any concept even vaguely related to metal working, intrigued enough by the topic, to the point that now I'm thinking to buy a small lathe and start working with it! You're great! Thank you!


"If you had to rewind to hear that again you should stop this video right now"
Why you gotta personally attack my low attention in introductions bro


Could you please explain the part about gears again


I’ll have two number 9s, a number 9 large, a number 6 with extra dip, a number 7, two number 45s, one with cheese, and a large soda.


I doubt you come back here to check out old used comments like this, but I digress... I like to watch this video every few months to get geared up for using a dividing head. I still haven’t professionally used one yet but every few months I get ready! I appreciate you ToT.


45 years as a machinist. have always enjoyed when i got to build a gear, i learned allot in the video. thanks dude. you're never too old to learn.


So, how do I go about nominating you for teacher of the year?

I'm serious. After 4 years of college (one of which in a physics/engineering masters curriculum) and three years in grad school, I'm hard pressed to think of one professor who could do as well as you do breaking these concepts down into easily digestible tidbits.

Thanks for all your hard work on these! Most of us really appreciate it!

Except my wife. Keeps reminding me of everything around the house that needs to be fixed while I'm watching your videos.


I can only imagine you at parties...
*door bell rings*
Oh Hi T-dawg! So glade you could why do you have a block of metal and some string?
Also where are you


Fun fact:
The Modul - System is directly copied from the DIN (Deutsche Industrie Norm => German Industrial Norm)
The Z means "Zähne" => teeth
The DIN was developed to join together the German Production more tightly and make parts and tooling interchangeable. (why have BFS, UNF, UNC, NPT, BSP, JIS, SAE and what not bolts if you simply could use DIN-bolts) But also to make the German machine parts and tools useless to the enemies by making everything a little bit different.
But the Prussians where to damn efficient. ;-) French and other started to copy the norms and the ISO (International Organization for Standardization) was established. Many DI-Norms where directly copied to ISO.


After getting my teeth into this I'm a lot more cognisant. Now if only I was more driven.


I've been watching AvE waiting for Tony to upload, wasn't disappointed 😍


Tony, as all your videos are, this one was excellently produced and remarkably informative. With as much humility as is possible in a comment about how much I know, I would say I have a fairly deep knowledge base and understanding of machining for someone who like yourself is not a professional machinist. However the relationships of diametral pitch, cutter sets, and the other various technicalities of gear machining were one of those topics that I generally understood, but wouldn’t have said I was clear enough on to be comfortable trying to explain it. Like you do with every subject, you made this incredibly complex subject very easy to get one’s head around and allowed it to finally “click” for me. I even wished you had gone ahead into the topic of pressure angles because I’m sure you would have made that subject much more comprehensible as well. I don’t know what trade your day job is, but you are an EXCELLENT teacher! I sincerely thank you for all of the time and effort you put into producing your videos and publishing them so graciously for all of us. Not only are they valuable as a learning resource, your razor sharp wit and perfectly precise timing with humor make your videos probably my favorite content to watch of any media! Great job! And by the way, this video was not too long at all in my opinion. I would happily watch any video you put out of twice this length and still not feel it was too much!


why have I only come across this channel now? This is some of the highest quality content on YouTube period


"Everything You Wanted To Know About" <---- I think you dropped this.


This old tony! I learnt something! All jokes aside Sir. I'm not even into any of this, but just watching this was very inspiring.


It's a sad commentary on the world that TOT doesn't have several million subscribers. Knowledge, solid camera work and editing, and continual string of subtle humor all combine to keep me LOCKED onto these videos and coming away smarter a half-hour later. TOT is what public school should have been. Thank you Tony!


I learned about gear machining in trade school and thought, "I'll never need this crap". Two years later... ran a hob and shaper everyday for the next 5 years. THIS is some surprisingly valuable info. Thanks, Tony.


I was going to give you a "like" but that's outside the scope of this comment 🙃
