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Every Basshead knows the importance of having good wire in your build. Your electrical is entirely dependent on the wiring, therefor you want to make sure you know how much power your wire can handle.
In this video, JP shows us the difference between CCA wire and OFC wire. Both wires provide benefits fro bassheads, but it’s important to know which is best for your build.


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Ofc all the way not just that it’s 100% worth the money don’t be cheap people


Well ive actually done comparisons myself, an there is very little difference in test i tried. I personally go with ofc because even though theres not a huge difference there is a difference. I've honestly never ran into thermal issue's with either wire type because when used properly they should be fine for the most part. With that being said i guess this could be used as a tip. When using cca get oversized gauged wires or the next size bigger it should balance out an be closer to ofc performance.


No such thing as 100% OFC.
I use both, and like both for various reasons. But it is important to stress that most people, like 95% or more that use these, are never going to need them. Now what should be stressed, is the usage of a quality speaker wire with low resistance. Changing the impedance your amp sees will have a much greater effect than the difference between OFC and CCA ever will. Sure, if you are doing real big DB drag stuff, go for it, or if you're trying to use the absolute thinnest wire for ease of install or discretion, sure. But think before spending a huge amount of money on silver coated OFC wire everywhere. I see so many people who oversize their power wires, which obviously will never hurt, and then they either use the thin speaker wire that was already in the car because they can't run new stuff to doors etc. or just use thin stuff because it's cheap or easy to get to the subs. If you think using 7 feet of CCA vs. 7 feet of OFC will hurt power, that is nothing compared to what adding an extra ohm to your speaker wire will. If you're running 2 ohms and even just add ½ of an ohm, that will in most cases cut your power output significantly.
Lastly you might also want to think about how much weight you add. Yes CCA conducts less, but it is also much lighter. In some cars that is to be preferred, and in some places, OFC will never be a must.

In short, everything has its place, and one needs to be smart about choosing the right tool for the job.


Grandma's lamp cord has never let me down. Just kidding.


Down for sound owner is down to earth super cool non judgemental your choice is your choice your budget is your budget very explanatory easy going and will answer any questions willing to help even the so called to some as dumb questions no questions dumb everyone starts somewhere and he is one that has patience thats a awesome human being if I've ever seen one we all need to be like this guy got to hand it to him that's awesome !! Good job man thank you for being exactly what I see you the man brother!!🏆🇺🇸


Aluminum conductivity: 50%. Copper conductivity: 100%. Silver conductivity: 110%. Wtf. Silver must have a turbo charger on it. Adding Silver:💯. Great job. But please explain 110%. Thanks.


My dad told me back in the 40's they used aluminum wire for house's because of ww2 and they needed resources so house's were built with copper aluminum wire or even straight up aluminum. House's would burn down because of thermal runaway like you explained. The fuses wouldn't even protect and pop because of the resistance. It's scary stuff. That's why copper for anything electric should be the way to go. Aluminum wire is just garbage. It's like putting a yugo engine in a Ferrari just pay the extra money for peace of mind and safety. This is just my opinion and take it with a grain of salt.


Short version CCA is less conductive than ofc.


Has your relationship with deaf bounce been affected by the war with Russia or is this topic something you are wanting to talk about??


You got the story close.

Joe Price went from CCA to all OFC in his 170db build. Gaining 0.0db but 12w total.

Also, we run D4S CCA in the 162db Niro just to prove a point. My Tahoe is ALL D4S OFC.


My fosgate bdcp 1500 watt amp burst into flames at the positive power post from my cca wire getting cherry red like a space heater. It was on fire when I snatched it out of my cadillac. I could have burned up my car. Never again will I use cca wire! Nothing but ofc for now on. I learned my lesson on cutting a few


Electrons flow on the OUTSIDE of the wire... not down the center. So if aluminum is "copper clad" then the electrons are flowing over the copper, not the aluminum. i.e. you're getting the electrical benefits of the copper without the weight. What the metal at the center of the wire does is offer structural stability and acts as a heat sink for the rest of the cable. The aluminum core keeps the copper jacket cool. I doubt there's any real world benefit to pure copper and, in fact, it's likely that if the cable is getting repeatedly flexed, that the copper is going to become brittle over time, compared to the aluminum. (copper gets harder every time you flex it) If you want to get pure copper... "just cause" then, that's fine. Just don't think it's providing any benefit. Oh and... if you want cheap large diameter wire... Jumper cables are cheap. Buy some at walmart, cut the ends off... there you go.


My high power runs is ofc but my speaker runs is cca not about price for me


Man I'm fucken broke but I need ofc wire I have cca burn wire, but jp ? Can you use like 2or3 runs of cca wire?


"But but CCA is cheaper" yeah but do you want your car to catch fire? Just get OFC.


Great job explaining everything, ofc for everything, don't be cheap. Buy ofc.


Looks like it was a chest and shoulder day! Hard work!


I'm running 40 amps off a solar panel 12v, is it ok to run CCA if under 25'


Use double runs of CCA that might help with the heating issue.


Electric code requires oxidation inhibitors like Nolox when using aluminum wire so I would guess the same is required for cars.
