List of important publications in computer science | Wikipedia audio article
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00:00:25 1 Artificial intelligence
00:00:34 1.1 iComputing Machinery and Intelligence/i
00:00:58 1.2 iA Proposal for the Dartmouth Summer Research Project on Artificial Intelligence/i
00:01:45 1.3 iFuzzy sets/i
00:02:09 1.4 iProbabilistic Reasoning in Intelligent Systems: Networks of Plausible Inference/i
00:02:32 1.5 iArtificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach/i
00:02:59 1.6 Machine learning
00:03:08 1.6.1 iAn Inductive Inference Machine/i
00:03:41 1.6.2 iLanguage identification in the limit/i
00:04:05 1.6.3 iOn the uniform convergence of relative frequencies of events to their probabilities/i
00:04:33 1.6.4 iA theory of the learnable/i
00:04:54 1.6.5 iLearning representations by back-propagating errors/i
00:05:25 1.6.6 iInduction of Decision Trees/i
00:05:54 1.6.7 iLearning Quickly When Irrelevant Attributes Abound: A New Linear-threshold Algorithm/i
00:06:46 1.6.8 iLearning to predict by the method of Temporal difference/i
00:07:06 1.6.9 iLearnability and the Vapnik–Chervonenkis dimension/i
00:07:34 1.6.10 iCryptographic limitations on learning boolean formulae and finite automata /i
00:08:04 1.6.11 iThe strength of weak learnability/i
00:08:30 1.6.12 iA training algorithm for optimum margin classifiers/i
00:09:05 1.6.13 iA fast learning algorithm for deep belief nets/i
00:09:33 1.6.14 iKnowledge-based analysis of microarray gene expression data by using support vector machines/i
00:10:00 2 Collaborative networks
00:10:38 3 Compilers
00:10:47 3.1 iOn the translation of languages from left to right/i
00:11:31 3.2 iSemantics of Context-Free Languages./i
00:11:54 3.3 iA program data flow analysis procedure/i
00:12:29 3.4 iA Unified Approach to Global Program Optimization/i
00:13:01 3.5 iYACC: Yet another compiler-compiler/i
00:13:24 3.6 igprof: A Call Graph Execution Profiler/i
00:13:54 3.7 iCompilers: Principles, Techniques and Tools /i
00:14:25 4 Computer architecture
00:14:34 4.1 iColossus computer/i
00:15:09 4.2 iFirst Draft of a Report on the EDVAC/isup[5]/sup
00:15:38 4.3 iArchitecture of the IBM System/360/i
00:16:14 4.4 iThe case for the reduced instruction set computer/i
00:16:45 4.5 iComments on "the Case for the Reduced Instruction Set Computer"/i
00:17:06 4.6 iThe CRAY-1 Computer System/i
00:17:42 4.7 iValidity of the Single Processor Approach to Achieving Large Scale Computing Capabilities/i
00:18:06 4.8 iA Case for Redundant Arrays of Inexpensive Disks (RAID)/i
00:18:43 4.9 iThe case for a single-chip multiprocessor/i
00:19:29 5 Computer graphics
00:19:38 5.1 iThe Rendering Equation/i
00:19:57 5.2 iElastically deformable models/i
00:20:32 6 Computer vision
00:20:41 6.1 i The Phase Correlation Image Alignment Method /i
00:21:08 6.2 iDetermining Optical Flow/i
00:21:39 6.3 iAn Iterative Image Registration Technique with an Application to Stereo Vision/i
00:22:08 6.4 iThe Laplacian Pyramid as a compact image code/i
00:22:37 6.5 iStochastic relaxation, Gibbs distributions, and the Bayesian restoration of images/i
00:23:09 6.6 iSnakes: Active contour models/i
00:23:26 6.7 iCondensation – conditional density propagation for visual tracking/i
00:23:50 6.8 iObject recognition from local scale-invariant features /i
00:24:14 7 Concurrent, parallel, and distributed computing
00:24:30 8 Databases
00:24:39 8.1 iA relational model for large shared data banks/i
00:25:04 8.2 iBinary B-Trees for Virtual Memory/i
00:25:30 8.3 iRelational Completeness of Data Base Sublanguages/i
00:25:57 8.4 iThe Entity Relationship Model – Towards a Unified View of Data/i
00:26:23 8.5 iSEQUEL: A structured English query language/i
00:26:53 8.6 iThe notions of consistency and predicate locks in a database system/i
00:27:26 8.7 iFederated database systems for managing distributed, heterogeneous, and autonomous databases/i
00:28:03 8.8 iMining association rules between sets of items in large databases/i
00:28:33 9 History of computation
00:28:43 9.1 iThe Computer from Pascal to von Neumann/i
00:29:06 9.2 iA History of Computing in the Twentieth Century/i
00:29:33 10 Information retrieval
00:29:42 10.1 iA Vector Space Model for Automatic Indexing/i
00:30:04 10.2 iExtended Boolean Information Retrieval/i
00:30:25 10.3 iA Statistical Interpretation of Term Specificity and Its Application in Retrieval/i
00:30:56 11 Networking
00:31:05 11.1 Data Communications and Networking
00:31:39 12 Operating systems
00:31:48 12.1 iAn experimental timesharing system./i
00:32:19 12.2 iThe Working Set Model for Program Behavior/i
00:32:47 12.3 iVirtual Memory, Processes, and Sharing in MULTICS/i
00:33:28 12.4 The nucleus of a multiprogramming system
00:33:59 12.5 Operating System Principles
00:34:24 12.6 iA note on the confinement problem/i
00:35:04 12.7 i The UNIX Time-Sharing System/i
00:35:34 12.8 iWeighted voting for replicated data/i
00:36:28 12.9 iExperiences with Processes and Monit ...
00:00:25 1 Artificial intelligence
00:00:34 1.1 iComputing Machinery and Intelligence/i
00:00:58 1.2 iA Proposal for the Dartmouth Summer Research Project on Artificial Intelligence/i
00:01:45 1.3 iFuzzy sets/i
00:02:09 1.4 iProbabilistic Reasoning in Intelligent Systems: Networks of Plausible Inference/i
00:02:32 1.5 iArtificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach/i
00:02:59 1.6 Machine learning
00:03:08 1.6.1 iAn Inductive Inference Machine/i
00:03:41 1.6.2 iLanguage identification in the limit/i
00:04:05 1.6.3 iOn the uniform convergence of relative frequencies of events to their probabilities/i
00:04:33 1.6.4 iA theory of the learnable/i
00:04:54 1.6.5 iLearning representations by back-propagating errors/i
00:05:25 1.6.6 iInduction of Decision Trees/i
00:05:54 1.6.7 iLearning Quickly When Irrelevant Attributes Abound: A New Linear-threshold Algorithm/i
00:06:46 1.6.8 iLearning to predict by the method of Temporal difference/i
00:07:06 1.6.9 iLearnability and the Vapnik–Chervonenkis dimension/i
00:07:34 1.6.10 iCryptographic limitations on learning boolean formulae and finite automata /i
00:08:04 1.6.11 iThe strength of weak learnability/i
00:08:30 1.6.12 iA training algorithm for optimum margin classifiers/i
00:09:05 1.6.13 iA fast learning algorithm for deep belief nets/i
00:09:33 1.6.14 iKnowledge-based analysis of microarray gene expression data by using support vector machines/i
00:10:00 2 Collaborative networks
00:10:38 3 Compilers
00:10:47 3.1 iOn the translation of languages from left to right/i
00:11:31 3.2 iSemantics of Context-Free Languages./i
00:11:54 3.3 iA program data flow analysis procedure/i
00:12:29 3.4 iA Unified Approach to Global Program Optimization/i
00:13:01 3.5 iYACC: Yet another compiler-compiler/i
00:13:24 3.6 igprof: A Call Graph Execution Profiler/i
00:13:54 3.7 iCompilers: Principles, Techniques and Tools /i
00:14:25 4 Computer architecture
00:14:34 4.1 iColossus computer/i
00:15:09 4.2 iFirst Draft of a Report on the EDVAC/isup[5]/sup
00:15:38 4.3 iArchitecture of the IBM System/360/i
00:16:14 4.4 iThe case for the reduced instruction set computer/i
00:16:45 4.5 iComments on "the Case for the Reduced Instruction Set Computer"/i
00:17:06 4.6 iThe CRAY-1 Computer System/i
00:17:42 4.7 iValidity of the Single Processor Approach to Achieving Large Scale Computing Capabilities/i
00:18:06 4.8 iA Case for Redundant Arrays of Inexpensive Disks (RAID)/i
00:18:43 4.9 iThe case for a single-chip multiprocessor/i
00:19:29 5 Computer graphics
00:19:38 5.1 iThe Rendering Equation/i
00:19:57 5.2 iElastically deformable models/i
00:20:32 6 Computer vision
00:20:41 6.1 i The Phase Correlation Image Alignment Method /i
00:21:08 6.2 iDetermining Optical Flow/i
00:21:39 6.3 iAn Iterative Image Registration Technique with an Application to Stereo Vision/i
00:22:08 6.4 iThe Laplacian Pyramid as a compact image code/i
00:22:37 6.5 iStochastic relaxation, Gibbs distributions, and the Bayesian restoration of images/i
00:23:09 6.6 iSnakes: Active contour models/i
00:23:26 6.7 iCondensation – conditional density propagation for visual tracking/i
00:23:50 6.8 iObject recognition from local scale-invariant features /i
00:24:14 7 Concurrent, parallel, and distributed computing
00:24:30 8 Databases
00:24:39 8.1 iA relational model for large shared data banks/i
00:25:04 8.2 iBinary B-Trees for Virtual Memory/i
00:25:30 8.3 iRelational Completeness of Data Base Sublanguages/i
00:25:57 8.4 iThe Entity Relationship Model – Towards a Unified View of Data/i
00:26:23 8.5 iSEQUEL: A structured English query language/i
00:26:53 8.6 iThe notions of consistency and predicate locks in a database system/i
00:27:26 8.7 iFederated database systems for managing distributed, heterogeneous, and autonomous databases/i
00:28:03 8.8 iMining association rules between sets of items in large databases/i
00:28:33 9 History of computation
00:28:43 9.1 iThe Computer from Pascal to von Neumann/i
00:29:06 9.2 iA History of Computing in the Twentieth Century/i
00:29:33 10 Information retrieval
00:29:42 10.1 iA Vector Space Model for Automatic Indexing/i
00:30:04 10.2 iExtended Boolean Information Retrieval/i
00:30:25 10.3 iA Statistical Interpretation of Term Specificity and Its Application in Retrieval/i
00:30:56 11 Networking
00:31:05 11.1 Data Communications and Networking
00:31:39 12 Operating systems
00:31:48 12.1 iAn experimental timesharing system./i
00:32:19 12.2 iThe Working Set Model for Program Behavior/i
00:32:47 12.3 iVirtual Memory, Processes, and Sharing in MULTICS/i
00:33:28 12.4 The nucleus of a multiprogramming system
00:33:59 12.5 Operating System Principles
00:34:24 12.6 iA note on the confinement problem/i
00:35:04 12.7 i The UNIX Time-Sharing System/i
00:35:34 12.8 iWeighted voting for replicated data/i
00:36:28 12.9 iExperiences with Processes and Monit ...