I FINALLY Found The NEW RARE Trailer in Under The Sand!

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Today we explore the vast open desert in Under The Sand, a post-apocalyptic driving survival game where you scavenge for supplies, upgrade your vehicle, and discover hidden secrets. After a long search, I finally stumbled upon one of the trailers in the game — and it changes everything. Watch as we haul loot, upgrade our ride, and uncover what this new trailer can do!

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Pile of sand on very right side of tower at 11:20. Also, one middle left at 20:14. You can get gold and silver bars rare loot, that sells very well. Side note the trailer doesn't go home with you.


I know I’ve said this once, but I wanted to push this out to Camodo to clarify the game

The lore of this game from what I know is.

The mannequins are just that, Mannequins.

It’s actually the 80’s and global warming took a massive hit, mostly all water dried up, but you don’t think the oceans did, you fallow in your fathers legacy to go find the oceans, most people just died of dehydration.

So now you know.


I highly recommend keeping the repair kits. Repair mid to higher health rims or all batteries. A full health battery will sell for over 2000 and the rims will sell for 800-1200 at full health vs the 600 you get for a full health repair kit. I believe the radiators will follow the same rules at the rims only because I can't remember their selling price right now. Can make a lot more money that way. Lower health radiators and rims technically can still be profitable but not as much.


I learned from watching another channel that when you swap vehicles, detach the trailer and pull away from it before stripping the vehicle. It wants to attach to the closest available hitch. Also the dig spots don't have loot sticking out they are just a mound of darker dirt. Silver bars can be found in them and they are worth a good chunk of change. I will leave you to find one to find out how much. Love this series and can't wait to see more of it.


You should watch those cassette tapes because they may have "lore" in them if there's different ones :)


Hey! You found a trailer! Congrats Camodo. I know you were looking for one in your previous video you had recently recorded.


is given a gift horse in the form of a trailer. He looks it in the mouth, shoots it dead, and then proceeds to wail on it with a club; just to keep beating the dead at least that's how this video feels. Camodo gets greedy and expects to find another shop in a biome he's already shopped in at the beginning. I've never seen two shops or even two of the same POI's in the same biome section ever. So in my mind, when you're hoping to find a shop, all I can think of is, "You just bought your water from the shop earlier in this ain't gonna find one."

To give you a bone, however, from what I've seen in my own game play, there are only certain POI's that have sand piles you can dig up. So far I've seen them in the bunker single room house, the burger joint, the gas station, the ranch (that's basically the bulk of the loot if there is any), the multi room house, the open faced bunker (the one with the door you first go into), the buried bunker (the one that has a ladder immediately to get down into it and a bunch of antenna around it), the Motel, Saloon, both Junk Yards, and the Bar. Yes, that sounds like every stop, and it pretty much is, but my main point is that shops will not have them from what I've seen. Also the Military Bases and hangars don't ever seem to have any from what I've seen. The spawn areas for where the sand piles do appear don't change. So if you do learn them you basically know where to check to see if there is anything. Or you can tempt Murphy's Law like I did. I sent all my stuff back to base to collect a whole truck load again and the first 3 stops I come to all have at least 2 sand piles, and when I said sent all my stuff back, that included all of my digging


I when you post under the sand its so cool thx camodo.


I found the van recently and I can see why some wouldn't like it, it does have higher storage space but the loss of handling for it is so severe that I have to use the e-brake for tighter curves (even at lower speeds) and have crashed more than I did with any other vehicle I've driven.


the last video of game edged ( i think it was) on this game, he dug up sand pile, look around poi's
19.30 ish, the burger store you you was at, you looked at the sand pile when jumping off the roof.

it was like you knew it was there but kept avoiding it on purpose becasue you went towards it 3 time and turned away at the last second to avoid it


Camodo pls for your next mobile games vid please try offroad league online 🙏


Something I only came to the conclusion to after the last video and playing again myself for a few hours is that you made a mistake with the barrels and that there was a simple solution staring you in the face the entire time. By mistake, I mean over loading your truck bed prompting the explosion. The solution would have been the same one I came to when I was resource scrounging. Empty your inventory, shove all your barrels and assembled wheels into your inventory that you can. That usually frees up a lot of space for things to clatter around in and not get shoved into each other. Go through the tunnel. Drive a few dozen feet out of the tunnel. Get out, put back the barrels and wheels. Drive off.

I know, I'm kicking myself as well. I was sitting there thinking it was weird that your truck exploded with all the items, especially when you had the barrels in there, and the barrels help a lot. The solution was literally sitting in your lap this entire time. Your inventory. So maybe try to collect some barrels for home with some fuel, water, and oil. It does help you when you do need to restart. You've got fluids at home base ready to fill which ever vehicle you want and it doesn't cost you anything besides shipping them home (which seems to be broken for me. 0 to ship a full water barrel back....) and a restart.


10:01 Vehicles have a cassette rack now, either between the seats or under the car stereo


Ah, that was just incredible! Watched the video and can't contain my emotions. What are your impressions? Let's discuss! 💬🎉🥰🥰🥰 9 💶*


1:05 try Flex body engine simulator on mobile demo


Drive Beyond Horizons launches into early access on March 24th!


Missed the main corridor and room in that first bunker, again. When you go down to the lockers at the end, turn around, and then watch the right-hand wall to find a corridor you have missed every time.


can you do more motor town loved that series btw loved all your vids


This and TLD are just so relaxing. I need them before bed.


The loot is too scarce for me. I know it's a survival game, but I feel like it's still a little light on the stuff you can find.
