What Perspective From A Movie Will Change Your Views? (r/AskReddit)

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There's a fan theory about Donkey from Shrek being one of the little boys from the island where children are turned into donkeys


This didn’t make it into the movie unfortunately, but in the book Harry Potter and the philosopher’s stone it’s mentioned that Fred and George throw snowballs at the back of Quirrell’s head, which means they hit Voldemort in the face.


Almost everyone in the Polar Express is played by Tom Hanks


Damn, that saving private ryan czech got me devastated


The scene where Darth Vader lands in the Death Star at the beginning of ROTJ. As he’s landing the man in the control room for the hangar says something like “inform the commander lord Vader’s shuttle is landing” the man on the controls flips a switch and the camera is now watching the shuttle open and imperial match starts to play. I like to think that the man at the control panel was flicking the switch to play the song throughout the Death Star to inform them darth vader is on board.


Shit. This Dark Knight one made me feel guilty. I really didn't know about the other tragedy, just about Heath...


I remember reading somewhere that the Ripple effect did have an effect on Marty McFly, which explains how in the other two movies he has that "no one calls me chicken" trigger, where it's not even brought up in the original movie. It's implied that Marty in the "improved" timeline loved hearing the story about how his dad took out Biff Tannen and got his mom, that ever since then, he tried doing anything to live up to that.


In All Harry Potter movies (even the early ones), professor Snape's actor was told to act like he was in love with Harry's mother. This allowed him to nail his character until the very end


In Home Alone, an other interesting fact is that all the shots at the beginning of the movie are taken from above to make Kevin smaller, since he’a being bullied by practically everyone from his family, but the shots are slowly taken below Kevin throughout the movie to parallel him taking more confidence

Just a little cinematographic fact for you


Pretty sure Snape died a virgin. He was so obsessed with Lily and never got over her, even after her death. Find it hard to believe he could even think about sleeping with another person.


The Dark Knight.
Lots of people misinterpret the Joker's anarchy speech. Most of what he said, he said only to torment Harvey. His plan from the beginning of the movie was to demoralize Gotham. Either by making them realize their own evil nature, or showing them the evil nature of the man they revere most.

Lots of people think "he didn't have a plan". Not true. He only told HARVEY that.


JOKER Spoilers:

Arthur Fleck was planning to kill himself on the Murray Franklin show up until he was on stage and read his joke, "I hope my death makes more cents than my life". You can see him change his mind in that moment. This means his stairs dance is him just celebrating that he doesn't have to live anymore. Keeping this in mind and rewatching the movie, it changes a lot


Cant believe nobody mentioned cars lol. One of the creators of Cars confirmed the theory that the cars(being sentient beings) decided one day that they didnt need humans anymore and literally eradicated humanity and that's why theres no people in the movie but theres buildings and shit that were clearly made by humans(I dont think I got it exactly right but I know that's the basic gist of it)


There's a theory that Coraline never left the "other world" once she went through the tunnel and is forever trapped since she threw the only key in the well.


The actors who played the guards in the "Biggus Dickus" scene in Life of Brian were extras who were told that they wouldn't be paid if they laughed. Makes you appreciate them trying not to laugh in the scene


I consider the hacking scene in Independence Day to be funny because it's a miracle Goldblum somehow got a Macbook to interface with anything not made by Apple, let alone a damn alien spacecraft


For me it's Spirited Away. Miyazaki said that Chihiro doesn't remember the events that happened in the spirit world once she leaves with her parents. That means she doesn't remember Haku or the other friends she made there. Knowing that def messed me up 😭😭😭


Here's one that'll change how you look at this movie: the posts on reddit are ~5 years old, the YouTube capturer modified the pages to make them look like they were captured hours after posting.


The running time of Titanic (2 hours and 40 minutes) is actually how long it took the real Titanic to sink.


Maybe was mentioned in video, but...
In Star Wars Episode IV, a part often heavily overlooked is that Vader intentionally allowed Leia to be rescued: In a scene fairly early in the movie- I don't recall exactly when, but I think just before the Falcon reaches the Death Star- the plan gets mentioned.
As Vader was unable to get information about the Rebel base from Leia, he instead decides to allow her to be saved and place a tracking device on the ship that saves her, likely returning right to the base.

This is why the storm troopers seem so incompetent in the first movie: They are only pursuing the party to give the illusion of resistance, to prevent them from getting suspicious, and not aiming to capture or kill them.
Every movie aside from that, the Stormtroopers actually are just incompetent though.
