Bellini: Norma - Callas, Corelli, Ludwig, Zaccaria, de Palma, Vicenci, Serafin (1960) [Subtitles]

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This 1960 Norma represents Maria Callas’s final complete documented version of her signature role. Seven recordings of the opera exist with Callas (1950-60), plus numerous snippets and scenes captured between 1949 and 1965. With 89 performances, Norma is Callas’s most performed part; certainly no other 20th-century diva is more closely associated with the role, and no one since has even remotely eclipsed Callas in the perception of opera lovers.

Countless moments, too numerous to catalogue here, raise this Callas Norma to the level of genius. From a haunting ‘Casta Diva’ to a final scene of incomparable grandeur and sweep, in every startlingly brilliant detail, Callas is Norma.

Vincenzo Bellini 1801-1835

Opera in two acts · Libretto: Felice Romani

Norma...............................................MARIA CALLAS
Pollione.............................................FRANCO CORELLI
Adalgisa............................................CHRISTA LUDWIG
Oroveso.............................................NICOLA ZACCARIA
Flavio................................................ PIERO DE PALMA
Clotilde..............................................EDDA VINCENZI

Coro e Orchestra del Teatro alla Scala di Milano
Chorus master: Norberto Mola
Tullio Serafin

Recorded: 5–12.IX.1960, Teatro alla Scala, Milan (STEREO) · Recorded in cooperation with E.A. Teatro alla Scala, Milan
Producers: Walter Legge & Walter Jellinek · Balance engineer: Robert Gooch
Remastered in 2014 from the original tapes at Abbey Road
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Franco Corelli, el más grande Pollione en discos. Virilidad, poder, belleza vocal, carácter.


Agreed! Callas IS Norma! And, Norma is THE Opera against which all other operas are to be measured. I care what no one else has to say on the matter, this IS the ultimate Opera. Certainly it is my favorite. And this is an excellent rendering of this classic of classics. Thanks, LOR (apologies, for a moment I mistook your channel for another), for posting it. Another very worthy posting, indeed. L543/:-)


Теперь так не поют(((передать словами восхищение от пения величайших певцов 20 столетия невозможно! Браво, Маєстро!!🎉🎉🎉


Callas, Corelli, and Ludwig together—breathtaking!


Maria Callas nasceu há10 anos(no dia 01/12/1923) e morreu em 1977. Porém, ela é eterna na sua voz única ena sua arte!❤


Una de les òperes més grans de tota la Història de la Música. Un enregistrament fabulós amb un repartiment d'autèntic luxe. Glòria eterna al geni de Bellini!!


Sans doute, la voix de Callas est faite pour Norma. Corelli, le meilleur ténor du XX siècle. L' ensemble est prodigieux.


Corelli un gran y destacado cantante lírico.


Une merveilleuse interprétation qui suscite de grandes émotions. Merci !


This is a true masterpiece 👏, Maria callas is amazing ❤


The dynamic recording impressed me that doesn't like a recording 60 years ago but yesterday. Amazing!


Музыка Норма Беллини, просто фантастика, до слез пробивает.Мария Каллас великолепна, слов нет. Беллини будет жить вечно со своей музыкой. Это музыка огромной и страстной любви, которую можно передать только в музыке. Гении создали это твлрение.


What a cast! and with glorious Maria at the top! The result is superNorma.


Everybody talks about Callas here, but to me what makes this recording special, is the entire cast. I mean, where you could find better Pollione than Corelli [kudos for Callas for insisting on having him for the recording, btw] ? Who could be as majestic Oroveso as Zaccaria? Who could counduct orchestra better than Serafin?
Ludwig is not my personal favorite in this role (I prefer Horne/Caballe to her), but she did very well too. The finale is just unbelievable: you may easily feel Oroveso''s pain, that the sacred laws say, he has to sentence his own daughter to death, her desperate tries to save the children from the same fate, Pollione's remorse, Gauls' wrath...
This is opera.


Франко Корелли затмить невозможно. Он прекрасен! Голос Кристы Людвиг тоже доставил большое наслаждение.


This is my favorite recording of Norma and in my opinion it is the best of Callas'. Her partners are also magnificent. Thank you for making me listen to it again!


To me, this is the epitome of Norma. I’m sure Bellini had this recording playing in his head while composing this masterpiece


Bonjour merci à vous pour ce partage avec nos grandes étoiles les plus grandes immortelles a jamais des voix uniques et superbes interprètes inégales merci ❤❤❤❤❤❤


Of all the NORMA recordings I have heard this one is the most memorable. True that Callas‘ instrument is not in its best condition here but her interpretive genius, for me, compensates considerably. The last 20-25 minutes are among the most moving experience I have yet experienced in any operatic recording. Although in fresher voice in her first NORMA recording it is regrettable that Callas‘ colleagues, Stignani, excepted, fail to measure up to her standard, vocally & interpretively. Impressive as her characterization is in the earlier recording she is even more detailed & subtle in the 1960 recording + she has a really fine group adding to her already memorable impact here. Few, if any, then or now can equal the Pollione of Corelli. Some thought Ludwig an odd choice for Adalgisa but she is in superb form & matches, IMO, Stignani who is a little past her very best in the earlier recording but still impressive. Zaccaria as Oroveso does fine & solid work as well. A magnificent recording & one for the ages.


Слушаю запись в канун столетия рождения несравненной певицы Марии Каллас. Вот ее слова: "Бельканто - совершенство звуков, нанизанных на нить дыхания, пение, щедрое и разнообразного стиля, то есть Россини, Беллини и Верди - я не говорю о Масканьи и Пуччини, которые для меня несравнимы с первыми тремя. Голос должен быть инмтрументом и вести себя как таковой". Мария Каллас "Воспоминания. Дневники. Письма". составитель Том Вольф. Париж 2019г. Москва АСТ, 2021г.
