🟨🟦 Марш нової армії | March of the New Army | **ALTERNATIVE VERSION** | LYRICS 🟨🟦

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The Russo-Ukrainian war continues and the brave Ukrainian soldiers keep on defending what is theirs as the world watches the Russian soldiers get slaughtered in the fields and their nation being crippled by economic and diplomatic sanctions.
This is another version of the song March of the New Army.
I do usually post ''**NON-POLITICAL, FOR HISTORICAL PURPOSES ONLY**'' but not this time. Everything regarding these events are completely political, because that is what Russia is doing in their ''peace keeping mission / special operation mission'' in Ukraine. They're invading another sovereign country to fulfill their political and historical wet dreams of pre-1991 ''glory''.
🟨🟦 Glory to Ukraine! 🟨🟦
CREDITS: The New York Times, Воплі Відоплясова (music) & Ukraine military parade
This is another version of the song March of the New Army.
I do usually post ''**NON-POLITICAL, FOR HISTORICAL PURPOSES ONLY**'' but not this time. Everything regarding these events are completely political, because that is what Russia is doing in their ''peace keeping mission / special operation mission'' in Ukraine. They're invading another sovereign country to fulfill their political and historical wet dreams of pre-1991 ''glory''.
🟨🟦 Glory to Ukraine! 🟨🟦
CREDITS: The New York Times, Воплі Відоплясова (music) & Ukraine military parade
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