The Morrigan Resources Guide 2022 with Lora O'Brien of the Irish Pagan School

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At the Irish Pagan School we offer Online Classes on Irish Paganism, Mythology, History, Heritage, Culture, Magic and Spirituality, taught by native Irish Educators, based in County Waterford, Ireland.

Lisa Templeton recommends The Irish Pagan School:
"The classes are relevant and informative. I’ve learned a great deal from them. I like that they are straightforward and well presented."

Lauren Saville Allard recommends The Irish Pagan School:
"This school does exceptional work. It provides academically sound teaching, inspiring classes, practical application, and community. They also work to create a sense of safety and are very social-justice minded. I highly recommend these folks!"

Cynth A. B. Salas recommends The Irish Pagan School:
"IPS has truly excellent teachers and a large amount of content to choose from. Highly recommended if you are interested in Irish paganism, history, traditions, or lore."

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Thank you so much for sharing these resources with us. I am grateful for all you do for us.


Thank you for all your hard work! I spent 8 years working my behind off for a college degree, so I have a vague idea of the busy schedule for someone getting their Master's! But to do it with children, single part of that time...I bow down to women like you who do it all...and quite skillfully! I have a hard time keeping all of my spinning plates from crashing to the floor within seconds! 😆

I watch these videos on my television, and "like" them online. I wanted to take notes on this particular video, and I am able to comment today. I am enjoying the Dinnshenchas readings! They are not in vain! I will read them as well, but I am getting educated in multiple ways, which is always a good thing!


Having all this together is incredibly helpful Lora. Go raibh mile maith agat!


A lot of good information I hope people appreciate all of this. I know I do 👍🏻


Ah, I'm glad to see Morpheus Ravenna's book in there! I enjoyed it immensely, and based a good chunk of my research on it along with the original texts (this was several years ago! More resources are available now). I really appreciate you creating this list.
