Tesla V11 Tips | Tricks | Hidden Features - So You Love Your Car Again

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188 voice commands and hidden features video

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If you’re sitting at a red light with your blinker on and you’re on the phone but need to hang up. Sometimes the blind spot camera view blocks the hang up button. One tip is you can swipe down on the camera window to hide it and then you can access your phone controls


I like the Blindspot pop up window, but I still feel my eyes take a little too long to really see if it’s safe to turn. It would be nice if we had the option to make it a momentary full screen blind spot. 👍


I guess it’s a good thing I never experienced the older UI myself. I actually like V11 layout and these features shown here make it even easier to use.


Love the new UI, I wish Tesla just added the feature that the engineer talked on 4:28 where you can add whatever functionality you want to the bar.


I've noticed you can also use your phone to turn on the seat heaters w/o turning on climate.


No hate necessarily the V11 but I would like to have the option to drag and drop my own shortcut functions to the “taskbar”

And yes I like the old design cards where I could see the tire pressure, energy consumptions. love that settings.

Too bad Tesla didn’t made a survey to ask us, owners first, how we are feeling about this V11 before they implemented to their final update.

I would love to support and be a beta tester for Tesla to provide real data and support for any further implementations.


Some people seem to hate any change. Some people love any and every change. I've had my Model Y for 14 months and this is the third UI. So for me, I would just like to be able to quickly read the display when I'm driving. Can't do that because the font is toooo small.


Would love to see an option to increase the size of the icons so they can be seen at a glance when driving. These micro icons are too tough to see at a glance.


Seat heater accessibility was a big one for me too! I prefer to have the seat heater on because it does the job of warming your body without using as much energy...and I prefer to check at a glance (which bacon they are on) because I don't want to get down the road and wind up cold and/or having to mess with them. I know everyone has their own preferences though.. would be nice to have the option to put this on the icon bar :) Or have even have "winter" and "summer settings" so that it's automatically there in winter setting. ;)


Thanks for this video! I really want my quick access tire pressure back lol!


Wiper blades are a safety feature that may need immediate attention - such as truck splashing windshield. Should have more direct access


Problem with many of these settings is you have to think too hard to find them. All the normal settings should already be on the home screen.


I liked as soon as I saw the title. This update has been driving me crazy, and I need help! Thank you so much!


When you have to tell a story through voice commands cause you can't tap a single seat heater button on the bottom of the screen anymore. So stupid :/ I miss my old UI


overall i like the new UI...lets you do some custom icons but i wished we could pick whatever icons we want instead of the only ones Tesla chooses for us.


Tap or push for a good V11 time. Looking forward to learning more as a new model 3 owner. Let’s do this. Thank you, Kim!


Cool that you are listening to Aurora! She is a genius! Seen her live a few time and her live sets are just unbelievable.


Love your channel, it's very informative and easy to follow your instructions.


fantastic kim! thank you for making this video! finally. very informative and step by step dummy proof, just like putting cotton balls on the corner of furniture for kids. lol
I'm still on 10.4 since December, and every since i saw everyone complaining, ive been delaying updating. And all the while, i keep saying new updates being pushed in my app. righ tnow im at 44.30.8, thats 4 releases already! eek!!!


Great video! Overall I love V11...just wish there was an option to customize task bar and remove the "recents" to place more presets. They also need to bring back the calendar shortcut from tapping the time in the upper display...not sure why they removed that one.
