Can You HELP ME? Client's Neighbor Asked Me To REMOVE Ivy From His Garage

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I received a new order to trim an overgrown laurel hedge that had grown almost 4m in height and needed to trim the old cutting back to about 1.6m. In the morning the weather was cloudy, without rain, but in the afternoon it became a little sunny. The hedge was overgrown, but not very thick, so I got the job done quickly with the Stihl HS82R trimmer, but I also had to use a tree trimmer, the job was done in about 2 hours, then I started cleaning and was about to load everything into my trailer, the owner told me that I I can just take it all to the forest near the house, since this is also their property, and I won’t have any problems, which is what I did. When I was almost finished cleaning, a neighbor came up to me and asked me to remove the ivy from the roof of the garage, I agreed as it did not seem like a big job to me. When it came time to make the garage, I realized that it was not as easy as it seemed initially, but with the help of a shovel and my hands, I began to tear off the ivy and roll it up like a carpet, but this roll of ivy was very heavy and wet and I wanted to cut it into pieces to carry in bags later, but then I decided to just drive up to the trailer and throw the roll into it, then I made the side walls, as the neighbor asked me to cut half a meter above the top, and finally I tore the ivy off the wall of the garage. I finished the job before it got dark, but if I had more time I could have done a lot more, but even then the neighbor was very pleased.
All this work took me 6 hours!
Рекомендации по теме

The homeowners in your area are fortunate to have someone like yourself who goes above and beyond the requirements of your task at hand regardless of what you are paid to do! Meticulous precise and thorough! Looks great! Hope you are doing well and staying safe and healthy!😊


I don't remember what country your in but after a few yrs watching you I just noticed I don'the see any litter paper etc on the ground I am so impressed so clean not like here in America where you can see just about everything imaginable so kudos to all who live there


Kustorez, … You are one of a kind!!! So meticulous at everything you do, … such a perfectionist. You can be on my team anytime! If you ever come to the United States, I wonder if you would care to clean my house for me. I am 76 years old and would be pleased to have you work for me. I’m just kidding. I wish you continued good health so you will be able to help people for a long time. God bless you, sir. 😊 ❤


Is anyone else totally hooked on rake, pickup, dump, and repeat? Why is it oh so addictively satisfying??


Wow! Masterful, herculean, heroic even! Few can appreciate the strength and stamina needed to execute this job. The camera work and editing were also first class! You are the consummate professional!


Beautiful job pruning back the overgrown and leggy
rhododendron hedge! It looks so much nicer after
your skillful pruning work, I am sure once the new growth flushed out next spring, it will look even

As for the mats of ivy vines on the neighbor’s
flat garage roof, what a job that was to remove.
Per usual, you did an amazing job! I have
removed similar mats of ivy vines myself
over the years, always challenging. You also
did a masterful job of cutting back the vines
growing up the garage walls, and the woody
stems you cut back as well! I am sure the
homeowners will be delighted with the
beautiful results!!! Your talents as a skilled
pruning professional are seemingly without
limit! That’s what makes watching your
videos so enjoyable! You are doing an
Incredible job with your numerous
pruning projects. Keep up the good work!


Hello from sunny California
Now that is a work out!
Always amazed at how hard you work.
I actually switch from golf to your new video, my wife thinks I’m crazy.
Thank you


I watch a lot of lawn cleanup videos and I must say you are above and beyond in your work! Lucky people that have you help them .


I like that doing some good work gave a neighbor hope and led to more work. So, 4 meters is about 13 feet tall and 1.5 meters will be about 5 feet tall. The reduction in size of the hedge is looking nice. The hedge looks to be planted in a raised area. The finished work opened the home to more of a view and sunlight. Have seen the roll technique in a tropical place like Vietnam, where vines can really make carpets on roofs. Nice work. The roof will be much better off with less weight, moss and moisture on it.


its sooo satisfying when the Ivy rolls up like an old carpet lol Great transformation mate! 👍


I love your work ethic. Always well done and timely. You have a great eye for trimming and do an excellent job always. Canada ❤


Сердце ёкнуло когда вы начали падать с лестницы🫢Будьте аккуратны, берегите себя;)
Работа безупречная👍


Love how short and thinned out you mad those hedges. (Still 5'-6' tall ... that's plenty tall.) And, getting all those tree/bush branches off the house and roof line -> A+ work. 👍

Looks so much better manicured.


lol i'm driving by this house regularly, nice to see the hedge getting a good trim :D


You saved a building that mother nature was devouring! I don’t know how you do all this hard work! You are really someone special! I hope you’re appreciated! You make a great video.Thanks


This homeowner should be very grateful, fantastic job ❤️


ÓMG!!! I hate ivy, it's so invasive. I first noticed it on the trees where you were dumping the hedge trimming and leaves. The ivy will kill those trees. I thought then that those people better get control of all that ivy. I have NEVER seen ivy like that on the garage. 😳 WOW 😲. I noticed that there were other hedges in the area that sure could use your expertise. I love watching you bring hedges back to beautiful yard additions. I watch several other lawn care channels, but I can sincerely say no one can compare to your ability. Your a Master at your craft. Watching from Oregon USA ❤❤❤


You are BRILLIANT and so generous. How lucky are those people. THANK YOU from the rest of humanity - yes, I can speak for them.


Hedges looked amazing and wonderful job on that ivy


Guten tag . Bonjour M.Kustorez, c'est un très bon travail comme d'habitude . Efficace et propre . Félicitation !
