Automated Control of FiO2 in Preterm Infants: The PRICO example with Professor Carlo Dani

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In premature infants, excessive and prolonged oxygen supplementation has been associated with systemic oxidative damage and long-term complications affecting the eye, lungs and central nervous system.
On the other hand, insufficient oxygenation has also been associated with detrimental effects on the brain, pulmonary vasculature and other organs and tissues. Of greater concern is the possible influence of hypoxemia on mortality, as indicated years ago by the increase in mortality after curtailment of the use of oxygen, and more recently by trials showing increased mortality when targeting lower oxygenation to prevent the occurrence of retinopathy of prematurity and bronchopulmonary dysplasia.
PRICO: Predictive Intelligent Control of Oxygenation by Vyaire Medical is a valuable tool that increases clinician efficiency, reduces the occurrence of hyper/hypoxemia and allows you to gradually wean your patient of FiO2.
On the other hand, insufficient oxygenation has also been associated with detrimental effects on the brain, pulmonary vasculature and other organs and tissues. Of greater concern is the possible influence of hypoxemia on mortality, as indicated years ago by the increase in mortality after curtailment of the use of oxygen, and more recently by trials showing increased mortality when targeting lower oxygenation to prevent the occurrence of retinopathy of prematurity and bronchopulmonary dysplasia.
PRICO: Predictive Intelligent Control of Oxygenation by Vyaire Medical is a valuable tool that increases clinician efficiency, reduces the occurrence of hyper/hypoxemia and allows you to gradually wean your patient of FiO2.
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