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In this video we discuss the miraculous phenomenon of speaking in tongues. We answer questions like, "What speaking in tongues," and discuss the importance of this gift in the church. Enjoy this video as we offer 10 facts about speaking in tongues.

ALL Spiritual Gifts EXPLAINED:


0:00 // Intro
0:21 // Fact #1. The Gift Of Tongues Is The Ability To Speak Another Language
3:24 // Sponsored Segment
3:48 // Fact #2. The Gift Of Tongues Is A Spiritual Gifting
5:34 // Fact #3. The Gift Of Tongues Is Used To Speak To God
7:32 // Fact #4. The Gift Of Tongues Is The Only Gift That's For Personal Edification
9:00 // Fact #5. The Gift Of Tongues Should Be Paired With The Gift Of Interpretation When Possible
11:16 // Fact #6. The Gift Of Tongues Should Be Exercised In A Way That Promotes Order
12:40 // Fact #7. The Gift Of Tongues Must Be Used In Love
14:27 // Fact #8. The Gift Of Tongues Is Not Given To Every Christian
16:47 // Fact #9. The Gift Of Tongues Is Okay To Pursue
17:56 // Fact #10. The Gift Of Tongues Should Not Be Forbidden
18:47 // Outro




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Hey you. Yea, you. If your reading this, I want you to know whatever your going through, God is with you. Don’t let the devil tempt you or make you doubt anything. God loves you, and your awesome, don’t go to bed angry.


As a person who received tongues, I thank God and confess that I have benefited greatly from speaking in tongues. If I had not been able to pray in tongues, I might have hated my mother and committed murder. I might have become a criminal who committed crimes. When I prayed to God in tongues in the midst of suffering, I was able to not lose my faith in all kinds of suffering.


I doubted tongues, and my friend asked why. I said that it seems to be misused. Later I came under spiritual attack due to a fear of being alone. While I was praying, I found myself telling God, “ Ok…I’ll take tongues if you want me to have it.” Immediately my prayer language changed. It has been a source of edification since, and I no longer deal with that kind of fear.


Most evangelical churches avoid teaching this and some are even against it, and many of them teach the concept wrongly. I’m so happy that you can talk about it so openly and biblically that makes people really understand what speaking tongues is ❤


I should probably share this as a testimony to when I first started reading the Bible more.

It was two years, maybe three years ago now, when I was in a dark place; I would cut my arms, cut at my chest, have same-sex relations with men, and even desired to be a female. I was struggling through these things, and it led to me even praying for the latter.
But then I started to read the Bible almost on a daily basis, sometimes twice a day --in the morning and at night-- as well as praying in the bathroom early in the morning.
And it was during some time in the June, at night when I was reading the word involving 1 Corinthians that I came across the verse involving the gift of tongues. And when I read it, I closed my eyes and I prayed to understand what it meant to speak in tongues. And after I had said this, something burned in my. It was hot, but not in a bad way, and my tongue moved and I spoke loudly up until I started to break down crying with my mom, my grandma, and even my dad rushing in to the room.

And it was at that moment, as I found myself calmed, I knew that God was true; He was real, and I found myself calling to Him with tears.

To this day, I am always reminded of that night as the first time I got to understand God from his Word, and that he is Truth.

May God be blessed, and our Lord Jesus Christ. 🙂


As a newborn Christian I have been studying, trying to understand the Holy Spirit and the gifts. For the longest I’ve been confused about tongues only because I go to a church where it’s spiritually driven. I was told that if you don’t have the gift of tongues then you don’t have the Holy Spirit within you. It caused so much confusion that I thought my gift of service was not that special. I questioned if I even had the Holy Spirit within me even though I felt at times something was holding me back when I want to satisfy my flesh. I prayed and asked for clarity. I’m so happy that you dropped this video ❤


It's rare that I hear accurate teaching on this spiritual gift. This video nails it.


Jesus is the way, the truth and the life, no one comes to the Father but through Him 🙏 ❤


Bro i was JUST talking to God about this yesterday!! I was like, "what does it mean to speak in tounges." Because Paul was talking about the Gifts of tounges and prophecy in 1 Corinthians 14. Praise God


God has given me the gift of tongues and for years i could speak in those tongues. I have the capacity to control it like turning it on and off like a tap. One evening i asked God to take away my gift temporarily so i could see what would happen if i tried without him and sure enough he did. It came out as a numb tongue sound (like post oral dentist procedure) and words weren’t forming like they normally would. It gave me a sense of awe of Gods capacity to allow me to speak fluently in something i don’t understand.


The gift of teaching and wisdom in the speaker is amazing, it's not just human ability, it's a gift from God.


Oh I never knew I had the gift of wisdom! I love ranting to friends, especially in bible studies because I don't have much planned but I know that somehow God will always reveal something to me while I'm speaking. I've never thought of this as something spesific, but I remember I got filled by the Holy Spirit by explaining to my youth leader what my group had used as symbols in our gingerbread house. Most random topic ever but I ended up talking about the reason Jesus died for us haha


Please pray that I’m naturally healed from psychosis and trauma as soon as naturally and reasonably possible and that I safely stay healed from from that stuff in this life I’m currently living. Thank you


I have come to realize that people confuse speaking in tongues for personal edification and speaking in tongues for the edification of the church which requires an interpreter. Thanks for making it more clear as alot of Youtube ministers are not bring the teachings well. Thanks again, May God Bless You.


This perspective on tonuges I have never heard before and it combines my belief in angelic tongues and human language tounges beautiful. Thank you so much brother 🙏


My mom actually had the gift of tongues, I’ve heard her praying in it several times and I could never understand what she was saying, but it was an early proof to me that God is real, she’s been “asleep” for a good few years now but I know she’s right there with her family and rejoicing in the name of the Lord


Speaking in tongues is so important in my current state. I use it as a way to communicate with God directly and as a weapon against the spirit of fear/anxiety.✝️


Yes some receive the gift. My friend who is now a pastor prayed over my son when he had a concussion before I walked into the ER. He was speaking in tongues in some parts of his prayer. And as soon as he started praying my son opened his eyes and screamed the name of Jesus and he was instantly healed. I seen this before my eyes as a testimony of what Jesus did for my son. We went into the ER instructed by my friend but said they would find nothing wrong with him. He was right because Jesus healed him

I do have to say though that my friend said and told me that there is 2 tongues.. the enemies tongue and Gods gift of tongues.


I do not agree with the fact that what is done in some movement and churches is the actual gift of speaking in tongues, but this is one of the best videos i have seen on the topic.


God is Good! I have been speaking in tongues ever since I was baptized by water and the Holy Spirit 5 years ago.

I have been having a difficult time lately and had a tough quiet time between myself and God, where I spoke in tongues for a solid hour.

This video made so many things clear about my gift, and all I can say is thank you! Looks like it is time to find an interperuter. 😂

God bless you and God bless this community! ❤✝️
