Meghan Markle reveals she had a miscarriage

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The Duchess of Sussex, Meghan Markle, has revealed in an opinion piece in the New York Times that she had a miscarriage in July. Meghan described the experience saying, “I knew, as I clutched my firstborn child, that I was losing my second.”
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I know how this feels, it is devastating for a mother and the father too! No matter how you feel about a person that you don’t know personally this is really a sad time that lasts forever. So many cruel people, but then it will never end.


People have sympathy on the unfortunate demise of kate middleton's dog but hurl cruel vile abuses on a woman who lost her child nd is still trying to destigmatize the taboo around miscarriages by sharing her pain-(this is in reference to the several trolls I saw in Twitter and other insta pages)


I had a miscarriage and was never alowed to carry another child. I was never allowed to talk about either.. to the Duke and Duchess of Sussex my heart goes out to you. I pray that God will peace and strength every day, minute, hour and every second of every day. God bless you and your family.


I hope n pray dat dey are ok n dat dey dont hold it in but seek some one who will help them through this


Having had many miscarriages trying to create a family I understand. What I love is how she uses her pain to educate others so we are all okay!


When you tell off the trolls on tweeter, you get blocked but when they troll Meghan, they don't get blocked. Can someone tell me what is wrong with Twitter????


Ugh so so so sad she must be devastated. I’m going to pray for them


You had a miscarriage; Well we have a pandemic!
You had a royal wedding, you married your prince royale, you have a kid; some have none and may never have.
Sickness, suffering, pain, joblessness, lack and frustration we got a 'pandemic' kiddo, pardon our insensitivity your royal but we are in the middle of a crisis!


Lies--she was not pregnant. This is a publicity stunt. That stupid, dime-store novel spiel about "I fell to the floor, clasping him, singing a lullaby..." Oh for pete's sake.
