Differences Between PEX Crimp Connections and PEX Clamp Connections

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Two of the most common PEX connections are PEX crimp and PEX clamp. These connections use the same fittings, normally referred to as “crimp” or “barbed” PEX fittings. Each method requires a different tool and type of ring, but the styles are similar enough that new PEX users frequently wonder which method is better.

Crimping and clamping create equally reliable seals that will not leak when installed properly, so the choice between these two connections should ultimately come down to personal preference, although there are a few pros and cons to keep in mind for each.

Stainless steel clamp rings resist corrosion more effectively than crimp rings, which can be a major benefit in direct-burial applications. PEX clamps also tend to be easier to remove. Since only a piece of the clamp ring must be compressed in order to make a connection, a single clamping tool works with multiple pipe sizes, unlike the crimp system where a different head size must be used for each pipe size.

However, crimp rings and tools are usually easier to find. And although successful clamp connections can be confirmed based on the release of the ratchet tool, crimp fittings can be checked with a go-no-go gauge long after the original connection was made.

Keep in mind that PEX tubing can be connected in other ways, such as press connections and expansion connections.

Check out this video to learn how to make PEX connections.


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I really like the snappy information delivery, excellent help! My only suggestion would be to reduce the music volume by about 90%. Like cosmetic makeup, as soon as people notice it, the music is too loud. And when trying to concentrate in this new genre of compact style of information delivery, music is distracting. Overall a brilliant video.


i never knew how much i loved watching crimp videos until now...


One of the first times I've ever played a video on a SLOWER speed. lol Nice job Emily.


Why do people insist on loud music in the videos?


This was great information. Just wish the background noise was not added.


Wow, this is the video I was looking for, thank you for sharing!


Great ..just what was needed, thank you


Just what I needed. Thanks for presenting the information in a quick to access, easy to understand way.


A viral infection wiped out one of my ears. The other was affected by what I call a “short circuit” — processing syllables is often jumbled. This leads to my mind saying, Did she say “car” or “far”? So as she continues speaking, my brain is.back trying to figure out how “car” fits in that particular sentence. ALL to say: everyone should slow down. 2) was a radio network journalist many years ago. I made a for-local-radio use. My boss thought it was good. I sent it in for the annual Columbia Journalism Awards. Up against prominent national journalists, I did not win, place, or show. I think mainly because I was the only researcher, Director, editor, producer AND voice-over person, Columbia gave me an honorable mention. In the comments section - used to educate young journalists, 😮the question/suggestion they asked me was, Why did you put music behind everything? Don’t.


Thank you Emily, I was wondering what the difference was between those two connectors? I have the clamp Rings, it was wondering if it was still safe to use being as the other ones were also available in the store. I feel better with going forward with the project this weekend, thank you so much sincerely John.


Music is too loud...maybe remake with no music...


I have a friend who converted a PEX crimp tool into a PEX press tool by carefully filing off the end of the tool. Does anyone know of a video of somebody doing this? I asked my friend to share with me how he did it but he's not reliable in replying back in a timely manner. Thank you for your time.


You say this but the pinch type specifically says on your package to use only for plastic fittings. This is very confusing


I LOVE Supply House ! Mark Campassi / Hamilton AL


Question: Is there any truth to the claim that led clamp connections have a higher failure rate than crimp connections? If so, has there been a study done to prove these claims are true?


so I just used a crimp tool to secure a clamp ring, no wonder it took so much pressure and force. I crimped 5 clamp rings to pex connections. Wrong rings haha


I just started using a pex ratchet clamp tool. Because of the nature of the clamp rings, I cannot use the go no-go gauge.
How do I tell if I have ratcheted enough times? Is there some lee way in how tight the clamp ring connection has to be?
Can I ratchet it too many times?


Great video but it's unfortunate that the cheezy music is louder than her voice...


what is the difference between pex clamp & crimp?


The clamp is an Oetiker clamp. It is its own brand.
