Should Christians Fight The Cultural Wars?

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Consider learning more about how Christians should engage false ideas and ideologies in our culture by listening to sermons from Dr. Richard Caldwell. The sermon links included below are only a few of the many he has preached that will help guide you in your evangelism and approach to apologetics. Open the Word of God and follow along with Dr. Caldwell as he seeks to share the whole counsel of God for equipping saints for the work of ministry.

This week on the Straight Truth Podcast, Dr. Josh Philpot and Dr. Richard Caldwell discuss the place of the Christian in the wars going on in the culture. Dr. Philpot asks if Christians should be fighting in the cultural wars raging in our society. Should Christians be out fighting against things like abortion, lgbtq+, transgenderism, racial injustice, and these sorts of things? Should Christians be working to influence the country with Christian beliefs and values? It seems there are many different thoughts and understandings among Christians regarding this. He asks Dr. Caldwell what would he answer regarding this? What can he share that would help to distill the disunity and division this might be causing within the Church body?
As Dr. Caldwell thinks about the word fight, he wonders, in what sense are we fighting. He says this is important to answer. If we are speaking about whether believers should care about these issues, the answer is yes. Believers should seek to be an influence on all these issues and not be apathetic. But should believers think of fighting the way the world thinks of fighting, taking up these issues as excuses to act and behave in ways unbecoming as a child of God? No believers should not react and respond in ways that are not in keeping with our calling. Dr. Caldwell says some distinctions need to be made.
There is a difference between the role of the Church as a body and that of the believer as an individual member of the body. Dr. Caldwell shares that he sees nothing in the New Testament, according to the assignment Christ gave to His Church, that includes involvement in social protests, marches, the seeking to influence votes of legislators, and things like this. Dr. Caldwell does not believe that this is the task of the Lord’s Church. The Church's task is the great commission. It is what the Church is called to do and be about.
But as believers, we aren’t just members of the Lord’s Church. We are also citizens of our country. The Lord has placed us here on this earth where we are to live our lives out until he returns or calls us home. We do this as individuals. As individuals, we think, vote, influence, etc. So there is this distinction to be made between our life in the Church and our life as an individual. But, we mustn't ever divorce our life as an individual from our calling as a Christian. In this position, we are different from those who do not know Jesus. In all our interactions, we want to remember and be mindful of what mans greatest need is at all times. Man's greatest need is not a political shift, and it’s not even moral improvement. Man's greatest problem is his sin and not being reconciled to his Creator; his greatest need is deliverance. If we have this knowledge and understanding, it should influence the way we interact with people on all these issues. While speaking the truth and evangelizing is often confrontational, we should never go about it in a combative manner. We want to be humble and respectful, and where we have the opportunity to influence the culture, we want to do that. However, what we don’t want to do, is confuse lost humanity about our main concern and mans greatest need. We are an object of the mercy of God, just like they need to be. We want to convey all of this in the manner we deal with these issues. We want to remember that we represent Christ to the lost and dying world. We must not excuse behaviors, attitudes, and speech from ourselves that the Lord will not excuse. We are to reflect Christ and His likeness.
Рекомендации по теме

So well said Pastor Caldwell. God Bless you.


Thank you for guidance in keeping our eyes on the Lord in these trying times.


Thank you for your guidance in these trying times for Christians


Hi, may I ask a question regarding the prayers of an unbeliever?
I understand that the salvation prayer is heard, but what about other scenarios? Like an unbeliever needing help to have faith for example, or really anything that can help that person truly come to God that they ask through prayer, will God answer the type of prayer that could lead to a salvation prayer even if it's from an unbeliever? I can give an example of somebody I know if this question needs more context.
Also, does Proverbs 28:9 mean that God needs us to follow all 613 commandments/the law or he won't hear us?


not at all meaning the sexually immoral of this world, or the greedy and swindlers, or idolaters, since then you would need to go out of the world. But now I am writing to you not to associate with anyone who bears the name of brother if he is guilty of sexual immorality or greed, or is an idolater, reviler, drunkard, or swindler—not even to eat with such a one. For what have I to do with judging outsiders? Is it not those inside the church whom you are to judge? God judges those outside. “Purge the evil person from among you.”
1 Corinthians 5:10‭-‬13
