How GPS Works

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The Global Positioning System, or GPS, is pretty amazing and chances are, it's playing a much greater role in your life than you realize. Anthony explains how GPS works and tells you about some pretty cool upgrades coming soon.

"Official U.S. Government information about the Global Positioning System (GPS) and related topics"

GPS Modernization Video

GPS is getting an $8-billion upgrade
"Without it, ATMs would stop spitting out cash, Wall Street could blunder billions of dollars in stock trades and clueless drivers would get lost."

New Satellites Could Make GPS Harder to Jam
"Without GPS, drones can't fly, communications networks can't function, and you don't have a chance of figuring out how to get to your Aunt Sadie's place in New Jersey. And right now, GPS is highly vulnerable because its weak signals are coming from an aging constellation of satellites."

How GPS Receivers Work
"Our ancestors had to go to pretty extreme measures to keep from getting lost. They erected monumental landmarks, laboriously drafted detailed maps and learned to read the stars in the night sky."

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this is an explanation of what gps is, not how it works.


This is a GPS ad, hipster didn't explain how the fuck does IT WORK!


A GPS receiver shows where it is. It may also show how fast it is moving, which direction it is going, how high it is, and maybe how fast it is going up or down. Many GPS receivers have information about places. GPSs for automobiles have travel data like road maps, hotels, restaurants, and service stations


Very uninformative video. Almost no information about how things work and much of the "it's so awesome and faster".


You heard about the Gallilao system being launched. Like gps, has transponders built in also. The safety features this brings are amazing! And FYI, you usually need 4 satellites for an accurate fix. 3 to triangulate the 4th for temporal differentiating.


GPS isn't COMPLETELY open to the public, they use two different frequencies to broadcast the code, the P signal and the Y signal. The P signal is entirely open to the public, but the Y signal is encrypted. Interestingly, the carrier signals for both of the codes can still be used for some advanced GPS techniques, so although we can't read the Y code, it's very nice to have.


Way to go D-news, you just told us what GPS is used for, not how it actually is used.


This is a terrible video.  All it does is explain what GPS is and what it is used for, but does practically nothing to actually explain how GPS works beyond a couple of sentences. 

Misleading title.


It would've been awesome if you had also included how GPS is a great example of an application of Modern Physics relevant to our daily lives! Such as using Einstein's Theory of General Relativity to factor in Time Dilation for precise timing calculations :)


I've never felt this annoyed by a youtube video. I am seriously resisting the urge to curse that guy and the channel.


I got no information from this video.WTF!


I love when youtubers explain things under 10 mins


I like it, very good explained, the GPS technology improve our lives .: 1.Save time – “Time is money”-people in the transportation business have realized how true the statement is.

2. Optimize resources – GPS Fleet tracking solutions allow you to monitor your vehicles and get detailed insights on fuel usage, driver behavior, engine idling, etc. in real time.

3. Reduce insurance costs – Insurance companies provide special discounts on vehicles that are equipped with GPS tracking systems.

4. Maximize vehicle utilization – You can get the most out of your transportation vehicles by using a GPS tracking system.

5. Superior route planning – With the help of GPS tracking data, you can identify routes that save both time and money. Smart route planning will reduce unproductive work and eliminate unnecessary fuel expenses.

6. Improve Safety – Improve the safety of your field personnel by monitoring your fleet in real-time. In case of untoward incidents, you can provide direct assistance and support to your drivers. GPS fleet management systems can also help you implement two-way communication between drivers and fleet managers.
GPS acest sistem îți permite să obții acces rapid și simplu la monitorizare flota auto, supraveghere gps, monitorizare flota auto prin GPS, urmarire gps, localizare gps, monitorizare gps, localizare flota auto, management flote auto, sisteme monitorizare gps, urmarire auto.
Beneficii: urmaresti consumul de carburant şi uzura prematură a maşinii - prin analiza stilului de condus, imbunătăţeşti siguranţa, reduci orele suplimentare platie, informaţii legate de viteză, distanţe parcurse, trasee, staţionările efectuate, eşti competitiv, hartă detaliată la nivel de stradă, reduci timpii morţi, vezi pe harta rutele vehiculelor pe o anumită perioadă, evidența vitezei de deplasare, reduci costurile legate de mentenanţă, localizezi bunurile firmei, reduci excesele de viteza, creşti numărul de transporturi efectuate, datele pot fi prelucrate și interogate online la orice oră, perspectivă exactă asupra flotei și poziției vehiculelor monitorizate.


3:30 You forgot tho put the <html> tag at the beginning! Ugh newbies!


You need 4 satellites for an accurate location.

This video was 4 years ago.

4 is a character in BFB.

I have 4 accounts.



Until someone falls on their head and writes one, we can just assume, Aliens.


As a guy trying to get a master's degree in cs specialized in indoor positioning, I was kind of surprised that DNews was the first one which told me about this news. :)


at 1:11 mark that is what i was using just 2 months ago with comcast. We have upgraded to iphone 4s since then. Good to see the old symbol unit again!


Why are aircraft gps signals over oceans only visible in the northern hemisphere? In the southern hemisphere, as soon as an aircraft reaches a certain point in the ocean the gps signal disappears.


The killer-app of drone delivery will be an automated system of ever larger drones that allow a system of consolidation for items to be delivered.

For example, say I want to deliver a pen around the world, to a friend I'm chatting with online. I request a drone to a designated landing spot (a platform near me). A drone, appropriated sized is sent. In this case, a pretty small one.

It hands off the pen to ever larger drones, eventually perhaps a supersonic drone. Reverse at other end.
