Start Hybrid Mixing with a Budget Audio Interface

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Cheap audio interface? Minimal IO? Can you start hybrid mixing?

This tutorial includes:

- How to get started with hybrid mixing even if you have a cheap audio interface or one without a lot of inputs and outputs.
- Using analog gear on the master bus (2 bus).
- Use analog gear on individual tracks.
- How to choose your first interface or upgrade for hybrid mixing.
- How to expand an audio interface for hybrid mixing.

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00:00 Introduction
00:17 What is Hybrid Mixing?
01:01 Minimum Interface Requirements for Hybrid Mixing
02:02 What You Need and How to Get Started
03:03 Upgrading Your Audio Interface for Hybrid Mixing
03:52 Daisy-Chaining Gear - Creating Signal Chains
04:34 Using a Patchbay to Expand Hybrid Mixing Options
05:00 Expanding your Audio Interface with ADAT, MADI, Dante, and more


🔥 Do This First:

To get the most out of your recording or streaming space, I recommend sound treatment including acoustic absorption panels. This is the single biggest way to improve your audio before investing in other gear. You can make your own, or I highly recommend GIK Acoustics as they manufacture some of the best quality acoustic treatment available at an excellent value.



#homestudio #homerecording #hybridmixing

Рекомендации по теме

If you have a least one spare pair of inputs and outputs on your audio interface, trying a hybrid setup is a good way to go before upgrading your audio interface. That way, you can find out if you enjoy the hybrid workflow and if your want to expand your setup before committing to an interface that may not suit your needs whether it is too many or too few channels.

Whether for tracking, mixing, or both, trying out a hybrid configuration can bring new interest into your studio. Either way, if it is time for an audio interface upgrade, consider the interface's expansion options for both inputs and outputs before making a decision. I hope you enjoy this look at hybrid mixing for beginners! Cheers, Todd.


Very helpful. For expanding on my current interface I relied on Mac OS aggregate device feature in audio setup.
This allowed me to run 2/3 interfaces and have all ins and outs accessible in Logic.


Your channel has taught me SO damn much last year. Thank you for your time in making these videos and sharing your knowledge.. wish 2024 brings you blessings


Excellent video. I need to learn this. It does seem confusing with all that routing and knowing the little details


i really need to see an example, have i been using my pre wrong :(


There's a lot of words in here I don't know what they mean. Like what is a 2 bus? I know a bus is a mixer inside you mix so it combines multiple tracks/sends into one volume. But you use it. Also what is a color box? Is there a video that teaches all these words? Or a book resource I need to acquire?


Hey can you please help me I am barley getting into analog gear and I have a rme ucx2 and just bought a 1073spx and distressor compressor I only want to use for vocals at I don’t record any instruments and don’t plan to for a long time how would I connect everything I’m a noob like what cables do I use and where do I place them and then how would I control the gain etc and set it up in my daw which is protools I know it’s alot any help would be appreciated thanks


thank you can you do a obs shure microphone obs filter/any filter microphone


This is going to be "out of the blue question", but I'm going to ask anyway: what do you think about E-mu 1820m sound card? I have it on an old computer just to transfer the raw data via optical out from my Korg Kronos 2 and In on e-mu card so that the trasfer is digital. It's an old card but somehow the sound is still great. I will buy Focusrite Clarett 4 pre because there a lot of noise when I plug analog geat through this old card (and converters are not up to date (ot that good)I assume...), but the digital transfer (optical) is more than O.K. How would you rate this sound card, can it still be in use, or are the new ones much better?


Thanks for this most informative video. I have subscribed and will have a look at more soon... 😊 I do have a question now: You recommend at least 8 ins and outs on the audio interface, but I have the Focurite Scarlet 4i4 for my simple studio. Is it possible to chain analog gear in the send - return loop? Note that I have a E-mu Proteus 2000 synth module which I'd like to hook up on top of my ART Pro VLA II compressor. Many thanks, and best regards! Fondly, Michael 🥸


hi sir just out of curiosity i am having motu 896mk3 hybrid using with mac studio and i want to know shall i go for bettermaker limiter 2 or shall i change my audio interface to apollo x8p for professional mixing and mastering


Great video. I mix in Korg Kronos 2 workstation (with other synths connected...) then via optical out go to computer for mastering additional processing etc; (I don't like computer "workflow").

Now I'm thinking of buying SSL Fusion (analog out of course) and Black Lion revolution 2X2 for convertion into the computer so my mixes can have a little "warmth" and other stuff, maybe also a VCA compressor like Alysia Neo to insert into fusion ...

Do you think Black Lion revolution could handdle the convertion from analog to digital well? I heard only a good stuff about this audio interface and it's not expensive like Prsym Sound Lyra 2 and so on ... Until now I was 100% in "digital domain" In and Out, but with fusion it can get "nasty" haha; especially if I want to go to the max (mastering stage) into audio interface with compressor and everything approaching zero if I deside that mastering plugins are not an option anymore. And Black Lion has S/pdif in and out, so it's just for me, If I go back and forth later (between computer and workstation...).


I have a focuserite 18i20 and a presonus studio channel strip but I don’t know how to connect it to use it to mix and master can you help me
