The Secret to Surviving the Housing Crisis - THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING

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You ever think about charging her rent to teach her the responsibility of paying payments but save the money in a savings account until she's 25 and give her the money back for a down payment on land or home


Watching/listening with my RayCon earbud while milking goats! I have like 4 sets… but each set missing one! I have a bad habit of walking around with one in my ear then I set it down and forget😂 I eventually come across it! The apartment is looking fabulous 😊


Don't get tired of building your dreams. Next build is the in-law suite and or accommodation for future guest house for the grand-children. Build while you both are still young and active. What a blessing to be in a family like yours filled with love and hard work. Jeremy and Melissa are forward thinkers❤❤


We did some similar but the opposite end of the life cycle.
My husband and I bought our property specifically so my 80 year old mother could build her own 1, 200 sqft barndominium just behind our house.
It perfect for her to age gracefully, independent and is so much better for us to have her close for any of her needs as they arrive in the future.
When mom is eventually gone it can serve us as we grow old.
She loves having her own home and space but also the peace of mind we are close.
What you are doing works for all generations!
God Bless!


For the wire shelf in the laundry area, you installed the support bracket on the wrong horizontal rod. It's supposed to be under the top rod, not the bottom one. The gap in the bracket end fits around one of the wires that forms the flat shelf top. Kind of hard to describe. I wish I could show you a picture of my shelf. The zip ties will probably hold it.


I like the zero grout. Our 40 ish yo daughter lives with us. We are retired and her presence is a blessing. We have health issues.


My mom used to tell us “these are the good ole days” I didn’t understand what she was saying at the time and then she passed and we were talking about all her wonderful sayings and when I got to that one I bawled. She was right and I try to live by that now. ♥️🙏🏼♥️


With the housing issues in the world today, sometimes you just have to do things you wouldn't ordinarily do to protect your families future. So many homeless people and so many young people priced out of buying their own homes (or even renting) dont have the money to provide shelter for themselves. We all need to do what we can to prepare for the families' future while also taking care of our loved ones now.
Many of us know "love one another as I have loved you", but there's more: "love your neighbor as yourself". We really are "our brothers' keeper".❤


We did what you guys did with our kids, built a place for our kids until they left the nest, the problem was this, they had a hard time going from something super sweet and new to something not so! Real life as they called it! LOL .... We have land as well and built two homes on it, our son & his family live in one of em, they do pay us rent, help out with snow removal etc, we also own another piece of land about half mile away and our daughter lives on with her RV, it has full hookups, she pay rent as well. The other daughter lives in the city with her family, they own their home .... We have no debt, we got out debt 26 years ago stay out, that has brought a lot peace.


We have a triplex, 1bdr/1bath for Gparents, , , 2bdr/1bath for daughter's family, . 3bdr/2bath for son's family. It has worked out fantastically for all. Generational housing is heaven.


The shelf bracket installs on the upper cross bar. It will lock against one of the cross members. 😮


I love how your puppy is helping. What a fantastic job. Beautiful apartment.


In 1970 I graduated from university and moved back home with a local job as a teacher. My parents charged rent and that was fine…but they actually saved it to use for a wedding ….that was a blessing g for us all !!! Love your idea…times are really trying now …great decision on your part!!! You made your big move at the perfect time as things are changing dramatically now!! God bless!!❤


Those shelf brackets should go to the bar above where you have it on the shelf.


that pup is so cute and It almost hurts to see that level of adorable!


I think it's great that you're setting the kids up for success and not failure.


Your daughter are very lucky to have you guys your amazing providing for her future and the other little ones even your grandkids love your fam love from England


Jeremy, give us more singing. Love it. Adds to the content. Humour.


Amazing… when I moved out at 17 I did not get a fork, a glas or plate from my parents… now 50 I managed many storms and am grateful for every single day❤🎉😂


Such a great plan to do a "soft launch" for your kids. Our four children were encouraged to take their time to move out, and we spent two years helping them find a good starter home that they purchased on their own, renovated, and lived in for several years before selling it for more than double the purchase price. The money they earned has helped them all with their own solo homes. We name our homes, and this one was named "The Snuggery" from a Dickens novel they loved. It was their own version of higher learning and it served them well. Blessings to your family as you move them into the world of adulthood.
