Classic Haircuts You Won't Regret

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Today I'm sharing classic haircuts you'll never regret. These classic haircuts go with every outfit and are safe choices as you develop your personal style. Thank you so much for watching xx

00:35 Medium Length Hair
01:36 Medium Length Layered Hair
02:55 Face Framing
04:09 The Lob
05:29 Pixie Cut
07:03 How To Know If Short Hair Or Long Hair Suit You Better

* For reference, I’m 5’3” or 160cm tall and my measurements are 36” over bust, 26” under bust, 26” waist, 37” hips

* This is not a paid advertisement and is not a sponsored post. When you shop some of the items you are supporting this channel with affiliate links. Thank you so much for watching and supporting my channel!

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I am a POC and watch a variety of lifestyle and fashion videos on YT, and Audrey is one of the few content providers that is not black, but always have a variety of models. Thank you Audrey, for always being inclusive of all ethnicities.


Thank you for incuding the Pixie in this. While I do love seeing people with longer hair, it is not for me, so I cut my hair shorter and shorter over the years. Now I don't even want long hair on me anymore. Maybe that will change again but not for now.


I have had a pixie for most of my adult life. It’s light, freeing, and chic. But—reconsider getting one if you are easily bored. Growing out a pixie, depending on your personal situation, can take more than a year. I’ve suffered through many months of helmet hair, page boys cuts, and mullets because I want to change up my hair and you can’t do that quickly when your hair is two inches long. One positive I’ll add is you can color your hair without worrying about damage, because the ends get trimmed off every six to eight weeks. Platinum pixies are fun. So it’s not for everyone, but it is a good time if you’re feeling bold.


I love the diversity of women you feature in your videos— the images of women of color and all ages/sizes are noticed and appreciated ❤


I know others have said it before and that you're pretty consistent at this, but I really appreciate the diversity of models you use in this video (as well as your others)! As a white person, I've always been well-represented in the beauty space, but I spent way too long being totally oblivious to what a privilege that was and how infrequently women of other races were getting the level of representation that I did. So it's really heartening and makes me happy when everyone gets to see themselves, especially when diversity and representation are done so intentionally and yet feel so natural, the way you do here. Cheers, Audrey! :)


Great video. Thank you for not making this about age. 😊 I haven’t had long hair since 5th grade and that was the typical stringy flat look. Since then, I wore it short. My wonderful stylist suggested growing my hair a bit longer so I could style it different ways, including pulling it back off my face for work. I am in the awkward stage now, but I trust her judgment and love it so far. A good stylist, someone who really takes the time to know you, your lifestyle and your hair, is fabulous.


I’ve worn my hair short, long, and in between. In my 20s when long hair was the “in” thing I had 2 boyfriends who freely commented that short hair was more attractive on me. Hmmmm. I wore a Chanel bob in my 30s and 40s, but in my 50s my oval started to soften. As my chin line relaxed I realized that the longer length only drew attention to it. It’s been pixie short ever since. A much better look. 😊


Thank you for the video! I prefer long bobs, that has never changed and I am 51 years old.


Hello..loving listening all i get older feels right to me to shorten my her youngish vibe n flattery look..especially on a silver hair..
You r a tallented woman..big success for many years to come❤❤


I watched Audrey's video on how to have an attractive voice, and I just want to say thank you. I've always hated my voice because it's naturally deep and loud, but when I follow Audrey's tips, my voice DOES sound a lot sweeter(and higher pitched too), and I love the way it sounds. Also, Audrey has this charm about her that most YouTubers don't have. She seems like a genuinely sweet human being, and she'll even make an effort to get back to you if she sees your comment. I love that. :)


I’ve had an undercut since I was 23/24 because I wanted to reduce the thickness of my hair. I noticed that hairlengths past the shoulders tend to “weigh me down”. The past 6 years I’ve been experimenting with style & haircut that suit my personality but still are work appropriate (I work in healthcare & academia). During lockdown I finally nailed it: I feel most comfortable in short blunt bob & I have enough patience to take care of a longer bob if it’s above my shoulders. Longer than that, it will take forever for my hair to air-dry. In 2021 I tried bangs but they grew too fast, then my hairstylist suggested having face-framing layers that I can pin down when I work in the lab. So far it works, I think I’ve found my signature hairstyle!


I've been maintaining a something like a short lob/ bob cut for about 4 years now. Can't imagine how I used to have waist length hair at one point.


Thanks to show us different textures of hair and don't just straight hair !


Thanks so much for this! Also, just tried the video tip you linked about whether shorter or longer hair works for you and it did confirm my suspicion that shorter hair works better on me! (I got less than 2 inches) I love the look of longer flowy hair, but I am happy to admire it on other people and know what works for me :)


What a great video! Useful information and great pics -- I just can't choose one !! Thank you Audrey love you so much


Dear Audrey, thank you soooo much for this important information. Your videos are unique


Having your hair flow are eloquent Audrey. My hair is so difficult that I am contemplating a buzz cut!!!! When it is longer than a pixie it pouffs out, not down and I'm not skilled with equipment - once at the hairdresser's I got a burned scalp with the straighteners - since then - scary!


Hi Aurdey, I have long dark blonde hair with a fringe. Blonde hair is soft an fuzzy. I alway braid it, even sleep with braided hair. If I wear cashmere sweaters, I find knots in the evening in my underhair. Dark hair is so much thicker and it looks great on you to wear it open, but it would never work for me! Tschau Petra


As someone who’s experimented with a lot of haircuts (including growing my hair up to my waist), I prefer a bob. My hair is rather thick and straight and I find that longer lengths make my face look heavier, with or without layers. And yes a bob / short hair makes you look young. I’m in my 40s


I had just above the boob length hair during the covid lockdown, l just got so tired of it, so after a glass of wine, a pair of scissors and a picture of Meg Ryan in the '90's, l went for it!!!!
I haven't looked back!! My husband, family and friends loved it on me. Once l was able to go to my salon to have my hair cut and styled professionally, l decided to keep it long/ short style. Not as short as a pixie but not passed my chin. I had my hair medium length for years, but once I cut my hair l never had so many comments.Even out walking my pup women would stop me and asked where did l get my hair cut. That never happened with my long hair 😊
