Game On, Climate Change. Game On. | Laura Tenenbaum | TEDxUCSD

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Laura Faye Tenenbaum is the Senior Science Editor for the NASA’s Global Climate Change publication and a member of the Earth Science Communications Team at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory. She develops interactive new media products to engage the public in climate and Earth science. In her talk, she warns of the dangers of climate change, and explores innovative ways of combating it.

Laura Faye Tenenbaum is an innovator in science communication. As the Senior Science Editor for the Webby Award winning website NASA’s Global Climate Change, a member of the Earth Science Communications Team at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, and the author of the Earth Right Now blog, she develops interactive new media products to engage the public in climate and Earth science. She has also held a faculty position in the Physical Science Department at Glendale Community College for 13 years.

Her goal is to bring science, multimedia and education together to attract a highly motivated and enthusiastic new generation that will be ready to take on the huge environmental challenges we face.

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1974 I purchased my beach home which sat 600 feet away from the water at "HIGH TIDE" in Texas. I know this because my wife & kids had a discovery day for school & this was one of the things they wrote down, plus gathered sea shells. In May of 2019 we had a family gathering at the beach house & due to the climate change sea level rise debate, we went out at "HIGH TIDE" & measured the distance again. I see factual data that temperature has changed in the past and I theorize that the climate will change in the future. BUT AS TO THE SEA LEVEL RISE! It has been 44 years my simple experiment has rendered that Hypothesis of sea level rising to be still under review because it "HASN'T HAPPENED" like they said it would happen in 1980, 1989, 2010 etc.


Thanks Laura! You gave my class a great presentation the other day at JPL and said that you embrace your trolls, because it means that you're doing something meaningful. I know you need no encouragement to keep on igniting passion for the greatest dilemma that we face, but we're sending you lots of appreciation!!!


Tony Heller has excellent presentations on You Tube about climate.


So we ignore water vapor in the air then, only water in the oceans?


I would suggest that the climate change deniers move to the seashores so they can become one with the oceans....


Glad to hear a climate TED talk point out the obvious, that the added warmth in the oceans will take 100s of years to manifest in the atmospheric temperatures. I've read papers estimate 600-800 years. This obviously disproves any atmospheric warming effects from CO2 in the 20th century and there must be another explanation to the 1978-1998 rapid rise of surface temperatures [ 2m above the surface in the shade]. Liked the pro-science peep talk btw, we need more STEM students.


Laura I saw your presentation recently and this comment may be late. I agree the specific heat capacity of water is relatively high. Therefore, a lot of heat will be absorbed by oceans. And that has its own weather problems. The specific heat capacity of water (oceans) has helped us a lot. Besides the 4.184 calories is for clean water. I do not know what will be for salt water. Anyway, the temperature of the earth is increasing. The other side of the equation, which you did not address is the latent heat of fusion of ice. Compared to the specific heat, it is very small and climate change will affect the glaciers considerably.


Irma, Harvey, Maria, Jose. A heated ocean spawned the most powerful hurricanes ever in the Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico. Thank you Laura Faye Tenenbaum.


I get it, the oceans will absorb the heat, but then they will be too hot. Then there are all the other effects of melting ice, larger storms, droughts, floods, rising seas, species migration and the spread of tropical diseases to the temperate zones.


What a great point. Everyone looks to the scientist to tell them even in spite of their reality, and yet nobody gets up and discovers for themselves. I guess everyone and nobody is a little extreme generalization, am i the only one who exaggerates to make a point??


Thank you Laura for the demonstration, visually very enlightening. Thank you for your passion in relation to concern for the planet. Your message though is sorely lacking solutions to warming. I am left non-convinced that the inertia within the earth system has already sealed the fate of most life, but thank you for the temporary "feel good".  Attempts to play God, the geoengineering of cloud brightening, iron feeding the oceans, and what ever else man has attempted leave me frankly afraid of what will be tried next in desperate attempts to save the 1% elite.


The stupidity of many of these comments is enough to make one cry. They probably voted for Trump as well. Well done lady. More strength to you


tony heller for why she has brown eyes


So explain the current ice gains in the arctic?


Take the duff from the forests in danger of fire and spread it across the permafrost.
10 reasons why.
1. Less fire
2. More forest
3. Prevents erosion
4. Prevents methane production
5. Sequesters carbon
6. Oxygen production
7. Habitat for insects/birds/herbivores in 2-4 years
8. Habitat for entire food chain in 10-20y
9. Mitigates albedo effect
10. Provides jobs


What have we here, ? its game on for climate change not exactly the words i would have used to describe the way mankind is traveling down this road, more like total future mayhem.


I dare you to survive the anthropocene extinction.


Darn. We really are screwed. thanks. Great pep talk. Game on it is. 😊😊


Well, you really never put it succinctly - so, is it too late ? Tell us what life will be like after going a year without Arctic ice. Reminds me of a high school graduation speech.


Let me guess, she is just another investor in green industries, and the investment has not paid off.
