ComfyUI Tutorial Series: Ep08 - Flux 1: Schnell and Dev Installation Guide

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Welcome to Episode 8 of our ComfyUI tutorial series! In this episode, we're exploring FLUX, a new model from Black Forest Labs. I'll walk you through installing and using the different versions, like Dev and Schnell, while comparing their performance and highlighting the best settings. Discover which model works best for your needs and how to integrate FLUX into your workflow.

We’ll also share some tips and tricks to help you get the most out of FLUX, ensuring smooth and efficient results. Check out the description for all the links and resources you'll need to follow along!

Download all the workflows from the pixaroma-workflows channel on Discord. The links are also organized there.

Flux Examples


Download Flux Schnell fp8 from here (Faster)
Place it in the folder: ..ComfyUI/models/checkpoints/


Download Flux Dev fp8 from here (Better Quality)
Place it in the folder: ..ComfyUI/models/checkpoints/


Download Flux Dev Full from here (The Best Quality)

Place it in the folder: ..ComfyUI/models/unet/

from here
Place them in the folder: ..ComfyUI/models/clip/

Place it in the folder: ..ComfyUI/models/vae/

Download this version of schnell with bnb in name

Or this version of Dev

Place them in the ..ComfyUI\models\checkpoints folder

The node you need - more info in the video and on discord


Realism Lora for Flux Dev
Download this small Lora model

Place it in ..\ComfyUI\models\loras
Restart ComfyUI.

Test Flux online. You have a few free generations on these websites:

FLUX.1 [schnell]

FLUX.1 [dev]

FLUX.1 [schnell]

#comfyui #flux #aitutorials
00:00 Introduction to FLUX Models
00:22 FLUX Versions (Pro, Dev, Schnell)
02:14 Installing FLUX Dev and Schnell FP8
08:14 Add A1111 Art Styles in Flux
11:01 Comparing Dev vs. Schnell FP8
15:14 Fixing Blurred Images
15:50 Installing FLUX Dev Full
18:31 Comparing Dev Full vs. Dev FP8
20:10 Installing Flux BNB NF4 Dev and Schnell
23:44 Comparing Dev FP8 vs. Dev NF4
25:16 Using LoRA with FLUX Dev
27:34 Summary and Best Practices
Рекомендации по теме

Download all the workflows from the pixaroma-workflows channel on Discord. The links are also organized there.


Brilliant tutorial series !!! The best comfyui tutorial series on youtube by far ..


bro you are
your contact this seires is a money based course for free, you are a very decent techer and i just binged the whole seires and discovered you uploded this right when i was looking for flux contant to get started!!!
thanks alot i wish i could support you more


Thanks for the tutorial. Really well explained and great editing.


The way you explained this Flux model is clear and crisp 👍🏼👍🏼
Excellent, no really excellent step by step instructions 👍🏼👍🏼
I cannot explain how much this video means to me. Fantastic!!
Oh, and you have a very pleasant voice.
Thanks again!


Unfortunately Flux Pro version is not available any longer. By the way, I think Stable Difusion is obsolete. Flux (and Mystic) is erasing it. Thank you for this lesson, again.


Great course! I have one contribution. In this chapter, you could explain that by downloading the image and loading it into ComfyUI, it grabs the metadata along with the entire workflow. I was initially confused about why we needed to download the image, but then I figured it out.


i tried f8, using a 4070 12gb card, with 32gb, and this is the second time it crashed. Not as violently as the 16bit version. I'm still not sure what i'm doing wrong. It also took forever trying to load. I bought more ram, i'm hoping that will help out here. I can only assume i'm still maxing out the ram. Maybe a bigger swap?


Since flux launched, I kept running away from it, due to how complicated it looked. You explained quite everything needed to get started. Thank you for this video!


Great tutorial series, very easy to understand. Thank you :)


amazing tutorial
thank you very much


I have to say that I really appreciate your help learning all of this. Your videos are very well made, detailed and informative. I have NEVER wanted to use ComfyUI and now I LOVE IT! I watched several videos and they always made my head hurt!! Yours made sense!! Great job! I'm looking forward to watching more of them... I know I am barely scratching the surface! 🤓


Milion tutorials how to use FLUX it in Comfy UI and very few how to set everything to work in normal UI for ordinary people and none how to use Controlnet with it without Comfy UI involved.


thanks very much, i have a problem : when i generete a picture it stucks : l after loarded completely in ksampler 0%__I 0/4 [00:00<?, ?it/s] do you know what i can do? im desperade


Is it possible to have a separate directory for my flux models on a different drive? I really don't want to move my entire automatic 1111 folder to a different drive


Hahaha, "I am not a witch".


How would you simplify their workflow?

I also find it needlessly complex.


I'm crashing here, is it because I have 16gb of ram? I'm using a rtx 3060 12gb.


Thanks for your great contribution.Your videos and other materials provide a comprehensive and easy-to-follow resource for using ComfyUI and Flux together.


ANYONE knows how to use control net for FLUX in FORGE? I get a model error if i use CANNY or DEPTH from

2024-08-17 21:38:29, 461 - ControlNet - ERROR - Recognizing Control Model failed:
