The Importance of Feedback in the Workplace

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Dean recounts a story from his signature middle management training, the ALP leadership development Program, highlighting the importance of giving feedback as a key element to high performance leadership. Managers in the workplace can’t be considered to have effective communication skills until they learn about giving and receiving both positive and negative feedback. These can be difficult conversations to have, but delivered tactfully, constructive feedback leads to the elimination of communication barriers among employees and work teams, which leads over time to healthier workplace cultures where high performance is the norm. Once capable of exchanging feedback with each other, managers become adept at giving feedback to employees and engaging in crucial conversations that lead to a closer and more aligned workforce. All corporate training in business communication, would be well served to focus on communication skills training as an important component of leadership.

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Рекомендации по теме

Have you ever delivered constructive feedback to a co-worker? How did it go?


Thank you for this story! I am in the last semester for a Human Resource degree and feedback is probably the part I struggle with most. This was very useful. Thanks!


Thank you for sharing your thoughts and concerns. It's important to acknowledge that not everyone is equal and that everyone has different strengths and areas for improvement. As you noted, it's essential to provide constructive feedback and to do so in a timely manner, so individuals have the opportunity to reflect and make adjustments to their behavior.

However, it's also important to approach feedback in a way that is constructive, supportive and timely. It's essential to acknowledge and appreciate the high-performing person's strengths and contributions, while also providing specific feedback on areas where they could improve.

My point, is it possible that the peers withhold information unconsciously because they felt intimidated or inferior to the high-performing person. There is a human aspect that is always assessing risk, threats and opportunities. In this case, I would say that you failed to create a culture where everyone feels comfortable sharing feedback in a timely manner and contributing to the team's success.

Overall, creating a culture of open and constructive feedback is essential for individual and organizational growth. It's important to acknowledge individuals' strengths and contributions while also providing specific feedback on areas where they can improve.


nice, but why few people come to subscribe?


I am interest sir YOUR company job sir
