Youth Unemployment on the Rise | Mark McCrindle on Wake Up

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We have a passion for research that tells a story, that can be presented visually, that brings about change and improves organisations. Here at McCrindle we conduct relevant, world class and cost-effective research and importantly, communicating the insights in innovative, useable ways.

Our clients include some of our region's largest multinationals, some of the world's best known brands, many government organisations and agencies, and some of Australia's most recognised not-for-profits.

We have run demographic studies for numerous local, state and national government organisations, generational reports for some of Australia's largest employers, customer research for leading entertainment brands and social analysis for many large companies.

Our profession is designing and deploying best practice research. Our expertise is analysing findings to communicate insights and strategies. Our passion is empowering organisations to thrive in changing times. It's no longer enough just to observe the changes, businesses today need to know the times.
Рекомендации по теме

Surely it's not that hard to stimulate youth unemployment?
If the youth unemployment is so high then why don't we cut back the migrant intake into Australia?
And no one will employ someone without previous experience in a given field, but how does a given person get experience when no one will give he/she this experience in the first place?
In days past th government was a great institution for training people in a given field then giving them additional experience as well. I guess due to slash and busn this provision now no longer exists?
