How To Become A Doctor - Crucial Steps To Take

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In this video we talk about how to become a doctor and crucial initial steps to take.

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I am studying for finals week since my first semester of freshman year is coming to an end. I am basically an embryo in the whole process of becoming a doctor. Wish me luck guys!!!


Just wanted to say thank you for being a positive motivating force in the medical community. I am currently completing a shadowship in ER Pediatrics and I am absolutely loving it. I am applying to medical school after I take my MCAT this upcoming April. I have already been told by various residents and some doctors not to go into medicine and they would not do it again if they could do it over, and it just goes in one ear and out the other. I have NEVER been more certain that I want to go into medicine, despite the drawbacks and the changing landscape, it is still the only thing I envision myself doing no matter how difficult the road is. I have an immense love for the science and an even bigger desire to give back and help others. Thank you again Doc!


I'm in my second semester of my Freshman Year of college. I had such a terrible first semester of college, but I'm not letting that stop me. I'm aiming for As and from now on, I have such a deep motivation to get into med school and become a doctor! I'm using my failures to build me into a stronger applicant! Thank you for reassuring me that I will get to where I want to be if I work hard. A month and a half in and I have all As. 🙌🏾😁


My dad was a RT my main goal is becoming a doctor to take care of my parents and I'm excited and blessed to have a doctor teaching my class in undergrade and to have my dad to help me along the way who works at Barnes Jewish you do need mentors its MAJOR


Doctor thanks for uploading regular uplifting videos. You have no idea how much I appreciate it, thank you for being our mentor. Could you please make a video on how to remain motivated in medical school, especially after a dip in academic performance ?


I'm 18. Held back a year want to become a doctor. will update on my journey after 3 years.


THANK YOU match next year it will be my 2nd year in MD, and I will work hard to be a great doctor, YOU ARE THE BEST


although im not in us doing my residency i do agree 1000% with u. dont let anyone anyone stop u from ur dream. if one loves medicine for the right reasons esp imgs coming to the usa.
i was an avg student in medschool and although i worked hard i used to get avg grades and used to think i couldnt pass my mles a=or wud end up scoring low.
i worked hard and did well ended up scoring 231 and 246 on my mles step 1 and 2 ck in 2003.
unfortunately my visa got rejected 4 times and i realised i was fighting a losing cause but i still ended up becoming an er physician in uk.
so always fight hard and never ever give up.


DocOssareh = The most down to earth med. school.pre-med advisor on youtube. Some company needs to scoop this guy up and pay him!! Wish his videos were around when i was in undergrad!!


You just gave me my extra motivation to want to go after my NP license. I wanted to do physician but life happened. I'll be happy with NP if I can get there one day.


I like your point of view man!!! I wanna become a surgeon.


Mo thank you so much for this video! It was a great pic me up. I'm in my first year medical school, but I am still scared! I sometimes get into my own head and start doubting myself...and I know I can't be the only one! Even though its terrifying, I can't see myself doing anything else. so THANK YOU :) and best of luck indoor residency!!!


Great tips and good energy. Anytime you have a big and difficult goal others will try to discourage you, don't listen to that. You can do anything you put your mind to and dedicate all your resources to.


This video was so inspiring. Thank you so much.


i second this message. REAL LIFE clinical experience is perhaps most important. there is no way to have a clear perception of medicine from the outside looking in. speaking to doctors is important, but also speaking with people just one step ahead of where you are can often times be most helpful, as they have fresher knowledge of your situation.


I needed to find this video, and I wish I found it earlier. Though maybe now was the best time for me to find it. I so badly want to be a doctor, but am in a position where I don't know where to go. This being to do with how I came up. This is my story if maybe you can help me:

I had a broken life from the beginning. I wasn't the smart kid, or I didn't think I was after soo much downing from not only family members, but school staff as well. I had been put in special education classes, and instead of teaching me I was just passed from grade to grade not knowing much of anything. The only think that stuck was what interest me, which was science class. Soo I showed signes of extreme focus and curiosity over the things I liked. But that faded more and more as I was neglected by my school system. They had me on the "No child left behind act", but the staff didn't care enough to truly work with me and would just pass me anyways. I actually didn't officially fully read until 10th grade. Another thing was that I sucked at understanding times tables, but somehow I was able to grasp on to algebra soo well I obsessed over it, and would see how big of a problem I could make.
After making it to 11th grade I sadly had to drop out do to a teacher writing me up for skipping class when I didn't, and then being forced to sign a contract that said I must obey everything my teacher says to do or get expelled. (I had to stand up for a student this crazy teacher had corner in a class room screaming in their face. I was not going to give up my freedoms to that). Soo I dropped out, went home and started PennFoster(a only highschool program). I tried so hard to stick with it, but after having only ever being surrounded by people who didn't believe I could handle life I began to believe it, and fell into a deep depression. I would always here my parents say they were worried about me, and think I couldn't handle life. So I fell to believe them and began to think I couldn't either. I was always scared by what they said. So ever sense childhood I had already given up on life. It wasn't until dropping out that I decided on my final plan. " Once I am too old to stay home, I will be turning myself into the hospital " I gave up, I wasn't going to commit suicide. I'm too stubborn for that.
Then something happened. I and my little brother were sitting in our kitchen watching youtube on our desk top. Jared in the chair, I kneeling down beside him. I had heard a cracking sound behind us, and in thay second I turned my head I saw the large tree in our backyard heading right for the power lines. That moment was soo surreal for me. With out even realizing I had pulled Jared down below me on the floor right before both the power box about the computer and the microwave behind us blew up. Now I had had other situations where I realized I become soo calm and focused in emergency situations, but this moment was much more for me. When I saw my little brother safe below me, I realized that I was smart enough to know something was going to blow up, and that we needed to get down in that second. I had always thought I was too dumb to think that quick and that cognitive. I had always been reminded by my parents my IQ was below average, and there was no way to fix that. That moment bursted a fire in me that made me realize I did have a perpose, a calling. To save lives, and soo I started hunting. Tried military (Medical check fail), Navy (Medical check fail), Army(Medical check fail). Then I found out about Job Corps, and they offered CNA. So I started Job Corps, my education was too low to go into CNA. So while doing highschool classes I did Security instead. Just to hold off until I could get in. Finished Security, and went into CNA began to get a little scared that I wouldn't understand anything. Started studying, but after my CNA clinicals and proving to myself how well I was doing and how much I loved studying I realized I wanted more. Then I started thinking small, still too scared to chace my dreams. EMT? Paramedic? NR? Nuring practitioner? Doctor? Surgeon?. I thought up this list of "work my way up, and where ever I land is okay". So I kept studying, and then I found out about AmeriCorps, and how they'd help pay for college. So about to go with them in July, but by next year I'm actually wanting to become a Surgeon. I have soo much drive and desire, but I have no clue where to start in my predicament. Soo tips..??


you have always been very inspiring..and your videos truly give me the impetus to go on working hard in this ...thank you...


The thing is when u r talking to a doctor or later med student they always like "do not go to med school, you will miss your life, it is hard" and simply let you down unfortunately!!! Even though Medical school is very beautiful and makes you know about your body and appreciate things more, Moe you are the best to say that "I can do it" and ignore such people Thank you for your advise to others and encourage them :)


i guess i love ur channel now tht i have a daughter and although i try to keep motivating myself and her to absorb anything tht gives positive vibes. thanks. keep up the gr8 work.


Thank you soooo much! Always encouraging to hear this during a time like finals. Thank You!!!
