DEATH is a Scary Thing.

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Death is the one thing my brain refuses to think about, every time it comes up I shut down or try to distract myself.
I believe that even philosophy about death is a little foolish because we just can't comprehend the idea of it, but I guess that's the whole point.
this video doesn't give an answer and could be taken for both sides and I can't judge you for the path you walk in, I just hope you will find the good in things.
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My significant other of 6 years died one week ago, went to the hospital two weeks ago due to sepsis. It’s surreal not having her here with me anymore. Her absence is haunting. At times I feel her presence. At times I receive certain mood and feelings of profound peace and comfort, at other times just loneliness and longing. I pray for her and suddenly I feel close to her. I tell her supportive and uplifting things and then I feel good too. I tell her goodnight even though she’s not next to me. I feel in a dream state. Is she there? Fighting these feelings of connection feels like a lie. I embrace them. I feel as if she still exists. Is this metaphysics or just neurobiology? Even if it’s the latter, I still will honor her as if she is still there, as the feeling is that profound. She taught me not to fear death and to live fully and we made the most of each of our days knowing we cannot change the ephemeral nature of the world. I’m staring in the abyss and all it reveals is myself - who am I? what will I do? what will this mean to me? The death is not the difficulty, the difficulty is the depth of forces within me that must be confronted and not ran from. There is no escape.


I have absolutely no fear of death itself. The only thing that scares me is the way that we die..


when death occurs, the planet will still rotate, the stars will still shine, and eventually the universe will go cold. I will return to stardust


Death is going back to normal ... being alive is an anomaly


Another great video...Death is a topic i ponder on a lot.


Turns out that most of us are virgins in regard to this universal experience, the execptions used to keep quiet about their near death experiences but now they can talk without being laughed at. And they don't seem to be very fearful at all. I am not of their number but have found it far more useful to confront my mortality directly, face the fear and it will no longer trouble us as much.


To everyone who has lost someone, please remember everything that you love them +


Death is just a chance to link up with all the homies again in heaven. I’m probably wrong but then again we probably all are. As long as you use your faith for good I have no problem with you. Anyways death is gonna happen regardless. I think not breathing is just as scary as always breathing. From your first heart beat to your last, your body is always working, always computing, and always seeking. Think about how exhausting that is. Scares the crud out of me. Anyways, Nietzsche can realize that for himself but if you think about, Jesus was a real person whose death arguably left some of the most lasting impacts. For instance, the world mostly functions off the year of our lord. Just because it’s meaningless to you or to Nietzsche doesn’t mean it’s meaningless to other people. Fun video, thought provoking and relaxing. Imma sub!


this video gives me Horses (the channel not the animal) vibes


Love your content, but had to comment based on a few personal experiences. I am not a religious person but for some reason I've always attracted people who related to me on a first-account basis their personal encounters with the paranormal. Also at my last job I worked security overnight at a local community college, was there for 6 years. Anyway, apparently this college was well known to the paranormal community as being extremely haunted and during my time there, on 2 separate occasions film crew actually came out to investigate. Our college was previously a slave plantation and it was known to us to avoid certain buildings at night. Needless to say we were forced to do periodic checks and on 3 separate occasions, 3 different co workers ran out of different buildings because they came face to face with "ghosts. They were described as an elderly gentleman, a kid and an infant. Sometimes at night the cleaning staff would report voices talking, babies crying and lights being turned off. Needless to say, I was in no rush to verify, I stayed clear of those buildings. I believe there to be existence beyond death based off of these and many other experiences. And for the skeptical, my co workers who encountered these paranormal entities were all of different cultures (white, black) ranging in age from mid 20s to 55


is death fear of the unknown or is it the loss of the known?


I've seen your spike in subs, you deserve it


Hey, can I translate your video in german? I will definitly link your channel and tell the viewers to follow you


Love your videos but deadass is this your voice or AI


Lots not an ending nor a beginning- it’s a continuation


I’m happy to make it this far so I can stumble up on this video and this channel


Seems as though i have found a hidden gem 😂
