KiloNeurons: The quest to unravel the secret of higher brain functions

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After decades of investigating single cells, we're tooling up to record thousands of neurons interacting during cognitive operations. One leap closer towards unravelling the secret of how intellectual capacities emerge from live tissue.

Pairing a promising theory based on continuous attractor networks (CAN) with a well described higher cognitive function - space coding in the brain structure called medial entorhinal cortex (MEC) - provides a unique opportunity to explore the inner workings of the brain. The project has all elements in place for breakthrough mechanistic insight to be realized.

KiloNeurons is the endeavour to understand the inner workings of neural networks that give rise high-level cognition.

ERC awarded 10 million euros to a Synergy Grant for Professors Edvard Moser and Yoram Burak to explore the biological basis of spatial operations.

Follow: Kavli Institute for Systems Neuroscience @KISNeuro #KiloNeurons
Video produced by #KavliCommunication

Credit for visuals displayed in the video:
Video recordings of Prof. Yoram Burak by Mor Tam at the The Esmond and Lily Safa Center for Brain Sciences, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem.
Weijian Zong / Kavli Institute for Systems Neuroscience - 2-photon recordings;
Richard Gardner / Kavli Institute for Systems Neuroscience - neuropixels data;
Kally O'Reilly and Menno Witter / Kavli Institute for Systems Neuroscience - golgi stain of the hippocampal-entorhinal cortex;
mBIT and Your Gut Brain;
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