Reviewing the Vocab Malone & Robby Lashua Debate

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Thanks for reviewing our debate! I appreciate your comments, and I agree that we need more kind spirited debates like this. Vocab is a great guy, he loves Jesus and he is living on mission for the Lord. It is great to dialogue with brothers like him.

-Robby Lashua


I really respect Vocab! He is the best and has a great heart for the lost. His knowledge of the Black Hebrew Israelite Movement and even the LDS organization is substantial! I may not learn my soteriology from him, but I learn a lot!


I love Vocab. But definitely disagree with here.


Thanks Leighton for reviewing the debate. I appreciate you keeping the video shorter (under 2 hrs).

I'm glad that people are trying to help Vocab see how the Calvin's system doesn't work with scripture.


God created man for fellowship, not for alienation.


I do not intend for this to be understood in a mean-spirited way, but this debate honestly made me think of that famous Abbott and Costello bit 'Who's On First.' Both men are using the same vocabulary, but having two completely different conversations.


Regarding Jonah and Paul, I don't think Scripture teaches that a one-time event establishes God's mandared methodology. Otherwise we can go visit a donkey at a farm today and rightly expect to receive a prophetic word from God because He did it once.


The issue that begins at ~ [1:14:05] should not be a point of contention (or an argument against Robbie), if we would understand salvation as a process of being united with God in Christ. Those who are faithful in Christ are elected unto the blessing of union in him. Salvation includes the ongoing process of sanctification, ultimately leading to the perfection of holiness.


30:35 he talks about who the interlocketer is in Romans 9.

I'm saving a note for myself for when I come back to this video :)


I love Vocab Malone! Don't know the other guys. I haven't really heard of any of Vocab's beliefs on Calvanism. Vocab is a quality guy and is definitely gracious and wants to get to the truth. He witnesses on the street to Hebrew Israelites A LOT! He also does many other joint YouTube videos with other good Christians - David Wood of Acts 17 Apologetics, Whaddo You Meme, Sam Shamoun... Looking forward to hearing this. Vocab is also a great freestyle rapper!!


While I enjoyed Vocab when he was on Heiser's Fringepop321 but was disappointed to learn he was a calvinist, and very disappointed to hear his response and very frustrated with his mocking in regards to Paul and Jonah.


Calvinism through it's determinism undermines everything it rales against. If God has already predetermined everything that happens to happen exactly the way that it does. Means that even the sin they preach against is ultimately the decree of God. And this makes all sin and evil absolutely moot. There cannot be sin and evil under these conditions. We are simply goi g through the motions like puppets on a string.


God is no respector of sinners

It’s the restoration of a relationship except this time every barrier / obstacle The only thing in the universe that could have destroyed that initial relationship with the first Adam and us in Adam would have been our free will to choose to obey or disobey, however in Christ, the last Adam, our free wills has been freely given over to Him and swallowed up in His perfect will establishing an eternal, never to be broken again relationship throughout all eternity !

Praise the living God for His love for us all .. 🙌🏾


The fact he referenced Jonah and the whale is quite sad. He literally has no idea what he’s talking about. Vocab you should try and understand the position before you try to refute it. This was pretty embarrassing for calvinists.


I love vocab malone. Hes so close to dropping calvanism i can feel it


Next: review the presidential debates ;)


I enjoy your videos! As a Free will Baptist I don't always agree with you, but I enjoy even the commentary I disagree with! I'm praying God guides me to the right college and provides me a pathway through.


Feeling a bit silly. I saw the title of this video and thought that it was a discussion about the vocabulary used and the different meanings. Regardless of my incorrect interpretation of the word "vocab" I expect the review to be excellent.


Correction ; every barrier and obstacle has been remove out of the way by way of the cross of Christ ...


Everybody sure just sidestepped the elephant in the room with Colossians 2:12 about baptismal regeneration. Grace saves through faith, but the pursuit of baptism is a necessary component to have saving faith according to the Word and according to all the first and second century Christian sources discussing the topic. It was unanimous until Augustine mentioned that martyrs are the only exemption from salvation with baptism, and even then, that was the only exception. I used to believe it wasn't necessary until I was confronted with the challenge by reading scripture and having it fit with what I already knew about salvation by faith and admitted I was wrong. It is necessary. Saving faith doesn't exist without that pursuit.

1 Peter 3:21
Acts 2:38
Mark 16:16
Acts 22:16
Acts 9:18
Colossians 2:11-13
Ephesians 3:26-28
Romans 6:1-7 (might as well read the whole chapter!)
John 3:5
Matthew 28:19
Acts 8:36
Acts 16:13-15
Acts 16:30-34
Acts 18: 7-8
1 Corinthians 12:13
Acts 10:47-48
Acts 19:1-5
Acts 18:24-25
Acts 8:12-13
John 19:34
