【4K】Pré-Carnaval em Olinda (Brasil) | Praça do Carmo Brazilian Carnival 2020 | UltraHD Travel Video

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The final 4K World Trip footage of the Pré-Carnaval weekend in the Historic City of Olinda (Pernambuco, Brazil) including some of my drone footage showing decorated Carnival streets; project finished & uploaded on 2020-02-20 by One Man Wolf Pack UltraHD Drone Footage.

Media data: This video (13:57min playtime) is an extraction of my multipleGB Olinda 4K Video Footage & Olinda Pictures. Copyright protected Footage and Photos on Sale. For inquiries, contact me via E-Mail, my Blog, Facebook or Instagram Page.

Olinda: Olinda is a colonial town on Brazils northeast coast, near the city of Recife. Founded in 1535 by the Portuguese, its built on steep hillsides and distinguished by its 18th-century architecture, baroque churches, convents, monasteries and brightly painted houses. Originally a center for the sugarcane industry, its now known as an artists colony, with many galleries, workshops and museums. Alto da Sé, Olindas hilltop cathedral square, has a crafts market and stalls selling acarajé (black-eyed pea fritters). The Caixa dAgua elevator provides panoramic coastal views. The Convent of San Francisco is a baroque religious complex incorporating the white-and-yellow Nossa Senhora das Neves church and cloisters with Portuguese azulejo tiles. The Contemporary Art Museum has thousands of works by Brazilian artists including Candido Portinari. The Museu do Mamulengo displays traditional handcrafted puppets. The giant puppets on display at the Mercado da Ribeira craft market are paraded during Olindas renowned annual carnival. // Recife, the capital of Brazils northeastern state of Pernambuco, is distinguished by its many rivers, bridges, islets and peninsulas. // Olinda é um município brasileiro do estado de Pernambuco, situado na mesorregião Metropolitana do Recife e na Microrregião do Recife, Região Nordeste do país. Pertence à Região Metropolitana do Recife, distando sete quilômetros da capital pernambucana. Olinda revive o esplendor de seu passado todos os anos durante o Carnaval Recife–Olinda, ao som do frevo, do maracatu e outros ritmos originais de Pernambuco. [Source: wikipedia // Google]

Among others, you will see following places (Keywords): Olinda, Carnival, Carnaval, Streets, Rua, Music, Musica, Decoration, Decoracao, Decorated, Colorful, Colors, Colonial, Town, Historical, Historico, City, Cidade, Brazil, Brasil, Northeast, Nordeste, Coast, Recife, Pernambuco, Praca do Carmo, Lighthouse, Farol, Elevator, Convent, San Francisco, Beach, Praia

🎥 Video [Internal ID 507] taken in 2020 and published in 2020

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Copyright © Miroslaw Wawak | All rights reserved | One Man Wolf Pack 2020 - www.onemanwolfpack.de


Nostalgia desse momento faraônico em Olinda, parabéns pela qualidade da imagem. Vem novamente para Olinda em 2022 mostrar essa exuberância!


sdds previas, nao perdi uma ano passado. pitombeira é umas das melhores


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Copyright © Miroslaw Wawak | All rights reserved | One Man Wolf Pack 2020 - www.onemanwolfpack.de


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Amazing so many happy people. Brazilians are in general very easy going and friendly. Really nice atmosphere. Unfortunately that's not possible any more due to religious terrorism and tightened security measures.


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Puutzzz agora eu quero ir num frevo :/
Great video btw


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