Pediatric COVID surge raises concerns for teachers and parents ahead of new school year

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Children across America are getting ready to begin another pandemic school year, but alarming new numbers from the American Academy of Pediatrics are raising concerns. The organization says nearly 72,000 pediatric COVID-19 cases were reported last week, up more than 30,000 from the week before. American Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten spoke with CBSN's Tanya Rivero about preparations for the new school year.

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Y would you send your child into this situation?


When I worked at a school years ago... I stayed sick. Kids can be very nasty and full of germs. Bless their little hearts.


I got supplies because either way, they will use them even if we go virtual but honestly I think my state won’t keep schools open long.
I’m just glad we aren’t a uniform school because I just know it would be a waste.


My grandsons were able to go to school about 3 weeks, now we are doing virtual learning. There schools had a outbreak in just that short time. Some had mask, many didn't, but our boys are too young for the vaccine.


Teachers need to be vaccinated and mask should be mandated!!!


Last year they said kids weren’t getting it why all the sudden kids are getting it?


Anyone who remembers their own childhood will remember how "tribal" kids can be. If the popular kid doesn't wear a mask, then those who aren't popular will stand out. And those who fall in line with the popular kids will likely tease those who are masked. Kids can be cruel, especially when they're buying into the misinformation that their parents are buying into. Kids need guidance, not politics.


Sorry... but not all states are in the same great shape. We SHOULD be but politics has gotten in the way
Our idiotic Governor is withholding State funding from any school districts that require masks (no matter what local school boards decide) even if parents are allowed to opt out in writing as we did in the spring. Our state is also short 2000 teachers so classes will be crowded. Over 90% of teachers and staff are vaccinated but only about 10% of students 12 and older. I am very worried for students. We don't want to do virtual or get closed down by the health department for an outbreak.... but Trumplican Republican politics is making it more likely to happen.


And those kids that are scared to go to school because of the covid that's emotionally getting to them also so if they feel safe at home that's what he should be


Really Your talking about keeping The Children SAFE If the teacher doesn't want to get the shots than you don't teach very simple. Keep THE KIDS SAFE They are The FURTURE YOUR main concern should be first is their SAFTY


Anyone who thinks its safe to send your kids under 12 to school is deluded.


*Schools think they're so damn important and reopening fully should be a priority. Eventually you have to wonder if in-person school is worth the effort and precautions* (Not saying masks shouldn't be used)


THAT'S not good for our children they have people that have shorts and are still getting it, it should be up to the parents whether they want to subject their child to that or not my daughter doesn't want to sit her kids because she has a son that has asthma real bad and a daughter that doesn't have anything wrong but she goes to school and he don't she could be bringing back home 2 her husband and her child or no one can replace their lives other, yes we believe that schools are important but not enough to lose our kids as life or ours they need to do virtual learning at home if that's what the parents choose it's up to the parents I would believe that their children they're also saying that people are getting in that even happen vaccine so how is it protecting them


I was just in the pharmacy and a lady was waiting to get vaccinated. This 300lb woman was in a chair then asked the woman if her job was making her get vaccinated. The lady standing said no and looked puzzled. The larger woman said "I personally know 3 people in the hospital because of the vaccine... and started telling her a bunch of crap. When the pharmacist called her the woman changed her mind and left. 🤬 WHY would anyone that heard what she did at least wait and ask the pharmacist. SMH... I'm vaccinated as are more than 90% of our staff is vaccinated. We ARE ready to go back....but in our State less than 50% of other adults are vaccinated. But less than 10% of school children 12 and above are vaccinated and our Govenor wont allow a mask mandate to remain in place for the new school year.


I'm so happy i'm only a cat mama! All my purrrrfect kitty kid wants to do is cuddle up; and I don't have to worry about saving for college either:) Good luck with your human children in this world!


Give parents money that would have been given to the school district for their education to pay for private on line home school education.


Thanks for reporting on this but I'm just wondering when we're gonna get coverage on Line 3? If you want a story truly everyone should care about, how about reporting on the thousands of lives being endangered, land being stolen, rights being taken away. So much is at risk but still no news sources are reporting on it


Well we’re about to see a butch of off and on virtual/in-person learning. They are really waiting for the inevitable.


It's that time in the timeline to push for vaccines for kids.


Jesus Christ died for sinners including you, on the cross with his own blood for your personal sins, repent and get saved or perish with the lost wicked world. God's word is coming to pass it, will only go downhill
