Gen Z is MORE Muslim than Boomers here?

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Gen Z is more Muslim, Buddhist, and Hindu than Boomers in some countries. Generation Z is less Christian than previous generations, but not always less religious.

Clip from my video: Surprising Statistics About Gen Z's Religious Views
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Turkiye has had very significant influx of immigration from Syria and other parts of middle east and muslim south Asia. They are simply part of the same trend.

The volumes have been so large that there has been anti immigration demonstartions. The complaints are very similar to what you hear in Europe and they have taken more immigrants than any other country in Europe.

Especially Syrians are much more religious than turkish people.

EU has even paid large sums to keep a lot of the immigrants in Turkey.


In the UK, we obviously have large amounts of immigration, particularly from places with large Muslim majorities like Bangladesh and Pakistan. The UK is very famous for ''Indian'' restaurants, but most are run by Bengalis, not Indians.


There is also an issue with false data,
Since in many places you are written as your parents religon.

Hence why I count as muslim


All these people saying "yes I'm Hindu, yes we're secular"
It begs the question of what the actual fuck they think either of those terms mean


Hi! Gen Z hindu here... Just wanted to clarify that just because we are hindu doesn't mean we are not secular


Muslim population increases is due to immigration and higher rate of reproduction than the locals. Children are taught to adhere to religion and cost of leaving religion is dire.

In India, due to the ruling government being hardcore Hindu party, it influences people to become more radical Hindus. Loving religion has become same loving the nation and culture. Also, some recent beh3adings by muzlims has also sparked more division.


In fact, Turkey is the country with the fastest increase in atheism rate in Europe. Although a certain part of the previous generation defined themselves as secular, they were actually Muslims. They made their voices heard because they did not want a country governed by sharia (And there are around 5 million Syrian immigrants in Turkey).


You'd be shocked if you saw the generation gap in Iran.


Most hindus are secular . Im an ex hindu from Bangladesh . Most indian hindus are ok with all other religion expect islam . And homosexualily is legal there . Liberal hindus (30-40%) are ok with islam too .
India is currently ruled by a secular/ pro hindu party . But till 10 year ago India was ruled by a pro muslim party called INC, they discriminated against hindus ( and still do in inc states as an example, as an example 60% of the momey earned from hindu temple goes to the INC and it's coalition state parties, but nothing from church, mosque, pagoda goes to the inc ) and many indian Hindus hates that party . Thats one of the reason why more Indian hindus are now religious .


Let’s hope Gen Z grows out of this Muslim phase


Most hindus are secular here(speaking from India, also I am atheist but my government documents will say that I am Hindu)
So count these two factors

Note: I realised that most hindus are not secular, rather they are oblivious of what is happening in the outside world and they live in their small society without caring about the big religion problems and don't mind others
Like many village people
Example: my grandpa


Im an gen z hindu. And im more of " Leaning towards theism".because i cant throw away the existence of some positive energy to which i feel more calm and peaceful if i pray to it. But im not completely sure if it is what we call god or not.
I like to participate in my cultural celebrations for enjoyment purpose only. And im more towards the philosophy and scientific part and archaeological evidences of my religion rather than blindfaith.


This is why I feel like statistics many of them aren’t trust worthy or they only show a very small portion of the story.


I wonder if this also takes into account birthrate or if there's a correlation. I believe the highest birthrates currently are amongst Muslims. And it's no secret Japan's population has been declining. Maybe less people = less religious followers. Or less religion = less childbirth.


Having seen 26/11, delhi riots, 2002 godhra train burning, destruction of temples, killing of saints etc
US GEN Z have grown closer to our origins nd trads. Thus more hindu...


India is experiencing an upswing in the prevalence and support for hindutva (their version of religious nationalism). The party in power is ideologically supported by an institution called the RSS, which runs a network of youth campus that are popular, especially in rural areas. They are super not fans of (Indian) Muslims, often referring to them as "invaders/infiltrators, " and so on. It's less popular in the south, where I live, but it's quite concerning.


Idk what tvs shows or stereotypes people like to follow about hindus but hindus commonly are quite tolerant of other people and its the religion which a person cant be converted into you can be a Christianit or an atheist and follow hindu teachings and scrips and practices freely


I am theologically agnostic but i am politically hindu. Reason ? My family doesn't hate me for being agnostic and hindus needs more political polarization.


The ruling party in India is the Hindu nationalist BJP. Not sure how relevant this is but I suspect it may be.


The Hindu nationalist movement in India has a lot of traction, especially with ambitious young people. Hindu nationalist propaganda often ties Hindu nationalism to the narrative of India being the most powerful country in the world, or to the goal of India becoming the most powerful country in the world, dominating the U.S. and China. On top of that, they often say that Hinduism isn’t a true religion, it’s just a way of life* that is simply better than other ways of life.
Footnote: It’s a “way of life” with temples, gods, (sometimes dangerous) dogma, purity culture and spiritual leaders, and it’s clearly an organized religion, but shhh…. 🤫

Because it “isn’t a religion” it doesn’t turn off young people who want to consider themselves part of an increasingly secular and globalized society. Hindu nationalist propaganda might make an interesting video topic, there’s more to the story than “here’s one place where the trend toward secularism isn’t felt”.
