Live coding building and distributing an Axon 3 based application
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Coding tutorial on Axon Framework 3.1. by Allard Buijze
Analysis of the error encountered during the recording (at 42”)
Apparently, H2 will clear the (in-memory) database once all connections to that database have been closed. Since I restarted the only running application, the database was cleared, even if the instance running the database wasn’t restarted itself. When using a “regular” database, this behavior doesn’t occur.
Analysis of the error encountered during the recording (at 42”)
Apparently, H2 will clear the (in-memory) database once all connections to that database have been closed. Since I restarted the only running application, the database was cleared, even if the instance running the database wasn’t restarted itself. When using a “regular” database, this behavior doesn’t occur.
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