Solid Mechanics Theory | Constitutive Laws (Elasticity Tensor)
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Solid Mechanics Theory | Constitutive Laws (Elasticity Tensor)
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Introduction: (0:00)
Reduction 1 - Stress and Strain Tensor Symmetry: (3:40)
Reduction 2 - Preservation of Energy: (5:46)
Reduction 3 - Planes of Symmetry: (11:35)
Orthotropic Materials: (13:09)
Transversely Isotropic Materials: (20:59)
Isotropic Materials: (23:00)
Plane Stress Condition: (25:50)
Plane Strain Condition: (28:10)
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Introduction: (0:00)
Reduction 1 - Stress and Strain Tensor Symmetry: (3:40)
Reduction 2 - Preservation of Energy: (5:46)
Reduction 3 - Planes of Symmetry: (11:35)
Orthotropic Materials: (13:09)
Transversely Isotropic Materials: (20:59)
Isotropic Materials: (23:00)
Plane Stress Condition: (25:50)
Plane Strain Condition: (28:10)
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