INSANELY Fast C.R.U.D. Database Stuff - Ruby On Rails Friend List App #4

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In this video we'll build out our Friend List App Database C.R.U.D. using a Rails Generator Scaffold command!
Building out at CRUD site with Rails is insanely fast. We just issue these two commands:
1. rails g scaffold friends first_name:string last_name:string email:string phone:string twitter:string
2. rails db:migrate
That's it! Rails will create all the database stuff, create pages that allow us to show, edit, and delete friends from our database, create routes to those pages, and more.
Building out at CRUD site with Rails is insanely fast. We just issue these two commands:
1. rails g scaffold friends first_name:string last_name:string email:string phone:string twitter:string
2. rails db:migrate
That's it! Rails will create all the database stuff, create pages that allow us to show, edit, and delete friends from our database, create routes to those pages, and more.
INSANELY Fast C.R.U.D. Database Stuff - Ruby On Rails Friend List App #4
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