Least Absolute Deviations: Intuition and Solution

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Have you ever wondered why not minimize the absolutes instead of the squares? Well, that's what we exactly not do for this video.
It's prerequisite that you watch the two previous videos on weighted least squares before watching this.
It's prerequisite that you watch the two previous videos on weighted least squares before watching this.
Least Absolute Deviations: Intuition and Solution
Fitting a line WITHOUT using least squares?
9.6 Least Absolute Deviation and Quantile regression
Math Moments with Spark: #3 Least Absolute Deviation
Introduction to residuals and least squares regression
Lease Absolute Deviation (LAD) Estimation in SAS
Introduction to residuals and least-squares regression | AP Statistics | Khan Academy
Lad regression
9.9 - Least Absolute Deviation (LAD) Estimation (Example in R)
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Standard deviation (simply explained)
What is Standard Deviation and Mean Absolute Deviation | Math, Statistics for data science, ML
What is the Median Absolute Deviation (MAD)?
Variance and Standard Deviation: Why divide by n-1?
LAD example
Linear Regression: Minimizing the total absolute and total squared errors. Part 1
Data - Mean Absolute Deviation
When mathematicians get bored (ep1)
Deciding on an estimator for the population variance (Module 1 3B 2)
The intuition behind quantile regression
Sketching for M-Estimators: A Unified Approach to Robust Regression
Variance: Why n-1? Intuitive explanation of concept and proof (Bessel‘s correction)