Five Number Summary, Boxplots, and Outliers | Statistics Exercises

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We find the 5 number summary of a data set and use it to construct a box and whisker plot and then a modified boxplot which represents outliers specially. The five number summary of a set of data consists of the minimum, the first quartile, the median, the third quartile, and the maximum. Then, Q3-Q1 is the interquartile range or IQR, and this can be used to classify outliers. #statistics

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dude you basically just saved my statistics life


You explained this better than my math teacher


Thanks this helped me study for my upcoming test!


So……I could cry for real. I have been struggling with my statistics course and could not seem to understand anything………and I have been trying to figure out what this IQR meant, Standard deviation, etc and you just helped me with a lot of my questions! Just subscribed to


Thank you, Teacher, that was very well explained. I just have one question : When working out whether 10 is an outlier or not, where/ how did you get the 4.5 value?


Hi I’m not sure if I’m wrong but to fine the median the formula is (n+1)/2 so n = 10 number, (10+1)/2 = 5.5 so it would be at the position 5.5 in the number range, there fire the mean would be (3+4)/2 = 3.5 which u r correct. But for the Q1 the formula would be (n+1)/4 so (10+1)/4 = 2.75, so it would be at the position 2.75 therefore cannot be directly in the middle of 1 and 2, you are wrong because u didn’t count in the 0.5 between 3 and 4.

The correct answer for 1st quartile would be
(10+1)/2 = 2.75
So it would be at positron 2.75
Position 2 = 1
Position 3 = 2
And you want to find position 2.75 so you would need to find the 0.75 between 1 and 2
To do that:
You take 2-1 = 1 and then 1 x 0.75 which would give you 0.75
0.75 then add to 1 (position 2) and you get 1.75
1st quartile would be 1.75
So your answer is wrong
And the 3rd quartile is wrong also


im writing my exams soon and i want to understand if my maximum is only 6 on the box whisker plot and calculating the upper whisker limit is more than my maximum, do i include the outlier in the box whisker plot or just leave it out? i dont know if im making sense
your video helped me a lot btw, thank you


Thanks for this I have an exam tomorrow on universal data or whatever and I play games in class normally so this really helped me out.😁


Is the diagram skew to the left or skew to the right


Okay so why could you not have made the maximum to the 5 instead of the 6?


Why are not use in Q1=n+1/4 & Q3=3(n+1)/4 formulas
