Billions in damages: How to stop the drought crisis? | Transforming Business

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Drought’s toll on agriculture is costing billions – whether in Europe, the U.S., or China. We take a look at what can be done to tackle the food system crisis affecting us all. Can modern irrigation systems help? Which political steps need to be taken?

0:00 - Ripple effects
2:33 - Why are droughts getting worse?
5:16 - How can better irrigation help?
7:40 - How can politicians help?
8:58 What does it all mean?

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Should have stopped monoculturing sooner


Or, we just let it happen and charge more and more! That's been the choice so far, and it isn't a choice any longer.


Ban Pesticide and Fertiliser To bring back Soil nutrition Permaculture is being used more so in New Zealand and other farmers globally are starting to realise the true benefits from this 🕊🌏💖


Bring back the wetlands we have more rain now then ever recorded, the idea that Europe is in drought is crazy.


Let's discuss that again in 2040 at +2.0K.
By now people are not serious enough with the issue.

Grasses are already suffering from climate change. Stalks are too weak due to co2 over-fertilization. The nutritional value drops for the same reason


Trees increase. Co2 to convert to O2.
The trees will also hold humidity.


How to stop droughts from causing agricultural crises? The video showed many clips of what not do, but no clips of what to do to have a better and more resilient agriculture. The clips showed tractors tilling the land and that's the first thing we need to avoid, no-till agriculture and growing cover crops all year helps retain more moisture in the soil is one technique to help alleviate the impact of droughts. In the case of Spain the failure of the Olive crop is due to the varieties of Olive trees introduced in recent years. The Olive is drought tolerant but Spain invested in super high density orchards where trees are growing close together, this olive tree variety does not grow deep roots so it needs to be irrigated and is not resilient. Farmers in the Netherlands use 1/10 of the water to grow a variety of crops like tomatoes, lettuces, etc. using hydroponics and other techniques, the documentary should have included that.


Fields are larger, less diverse, more runoff, less trees and rock walls as dividers .
India is doing very well with permascape.
Much easier to ask for money than to change habits.
Israel is the other solution if you have the money and knowhow.


At some point these documentaries get a bit difficult to watch because it's like we all know or should know that we are Consuming To such a degree that our greed is now affecting the planet, but no one who actually CAN change Things, i.e. billionaires, will change things. Right now we need solidarity across class to sustain our collective humanity and that sounds quite impossible given how self-oriented we all are.


Price increases are mostly cause by price gauging.
Just look at the benefits from the distributors (not the farmers!). And the salaries of the CEO’s and you know enough l.


Our cup overfloweth here in Ireland people visiting and natives complaining about the rain it would be a million times worse if we did not have it


Keep the fields green.
If fields are kept green, the fields keep 98% moisture in the soil.
Just a slightly different agricultural approach.
No till technology seems to be the key.


Natural capital accounts? That's the solution? We're in murderous insanity now.
Nature Bats Last.


America and other countries
Need to modify the lakes and rivers add barriers to collect rain water to prevent droughts block people from fishing jet ski, boating etc can’t build property near or around them. Rebuild all of them. Add barriers walls that hold water not leak water only way to fix help Mother Nature
Like nothing never happens 😊


I have "legally protected wetlands" on my family farm.
Farms south of me drain water and silt into the area, for 100 years.
The wetlands are disappearing.
For 20 years I've been trying to get the drainage dept. (which is legally required to support wetlands) and the conservation district to do something.

I'm 71. I give up.

P.S. In the last 5 years twice the area has gone dry. It's dry now. 3X.


China and India started greening on time ? You cannot expect the West to be ecological. The West thinks that you have to submit Nature for economis.


Can’t plant produce in plain dirt - must be in a bin container of some sort, water and ground dirt do not mix well do not get along, farmers need to add buckets 🪣 apon buckets of produce on the field stop depending on ground surface common sense scientists will say samething and agree


Introducing species like beavers on mass to waterways will help. Yes they have to be managed by rangers also to keep them in check.


Trees. Plant trees. Roosevelt. Did this in the US in 1935 to 1942


Vertical farming? Needs a lot of electricity though.
