Rory Stewart: Why democracy matters

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The public is losing faith in democracy, says British MP Rory Stewart. Iraq and Afghanistan's new democracies are deeply corrupt; meanwhile, 84 percent of people in Britain say politics is broken. In this important talk, Stewart sounds a call to action to rebuild democracy, starting with recognizing why democracy is important -- not as a tool, but as an ideal.

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One of the greatest ideas to explanation to the masses I have heard. My college professors don't break it down to this basic level.


How inspiring. Superb speech. Most importantly it makes you think..


"Anarchy is the lack of violence and coercion."

Anarchy is the absence of rulers. How rulers rule and how people who lack rulers behave is a completely separate issue.


As Ron Paul said "democracy is dangerous, it should be feared. When it only takes 51% to be considered a majority, then what happens to the other 49% percent?"

Minorities need protection, they need to be heard not ignored, they need to be represented by government without compromise. It should never be about putting the majority above the rights of the minority. Even if the minority is only something like 2%, they are no less meaningful or worthwhile.

What if the 2% were leading scientists?


Damn, people here REALLY HATE democracy. Democracy isn't perfect. It won't be. The thing about democracy is that it gives you a choice. A lot of other types of governments dont give you as many choices. Democracy allows society to choose a fellow citizen to represent them and vote for you. If you don't like what your representative is doing, THEN COMMUNICATE WITH THEM. Stewart is telling us that for democracy to work beter, we as society must act better and allow the politicns to be more honest


The main problem with democracy is that noone is accountable. Monarthy has 1 leader and 1 dirrection, democracy - 100 people with 100+ dirrections. So there is no movement in any dirrection. For example, Gaddafi was killed and new person could(not saying should) take his place. In democracy they screw up and noone can be charged/punished because 100 people decided to do something.


Our last few hundred years of democracy has given women and the poor a greater voice than they ever had. Yes, the system is imperfect, but by its very nature, we are given the potential to change and improve it further. Especially with the advent of internet communications and the potential to devolve power to more local, transparent and accountable forms of government.

Democracy is an ideal, and we may never reach it, but it IS worth trying.


"People decide for others all the time." What the hell kind of response is this? They should STOP deciding for others. "That's why we need laws." No, that's why people need to take responsibility for themselves, but first, the entire preponderance of bullshit has to be erased.


Does it matter if I disagree with my country's military operations overseas if I get locked in a cage for not paying the bill for said operations?

What about a social program, if I disagree with it's efficacy or principles can I decide not to pay for that either?

What if none of the solutions purposed are ones I consider to be efficacious, or worse, morally abhorrent. What is my means of recourse?

You see there's a facade of discussion, but forced obedience is the end result.


The idea that money is what "corrupts politics" is a valid but ultimately flawed one. British politics, by *American standards* (no "dark money" etc), has been free of "monied interests" for most of its post-War history, and yet is still corrupt, ineffective *and* still in tow to economic forces.

The problem is one of both participation and political economy, the latter meaning the structure of the economy overall. Greater participation and democratisation of the economy is the real key.


Another thing. The only problem with how democracy was implemented in Iraq and Afghanistan was the fact that it wasn't a bottom up process. The first thing that was needed were town councils who would listen to the voices of their people and try to get something done. Once the idea of elected representation took hold, then hold regional elections, following with national elections. That might have enabled people to trust that the system represented them.


"What is clear is that even dictatorships are less dangerous than no government at all."
Man, voluntaryists must scare the shit out of you.


Thank you for expressing my opinions in a reasonable method.


Although purely populist in its use in the current speech, the idea of honesty in politics requires, in my view, serious consideration. The discourse about the political class as a guild of professional social engineers will eventually lead to questioning nothing less but the need of its existence. A fact Mr Stewart shows to know well. The rising mistrust to politics must be the greatest concern in his professional circles, and "losing faith in democracy" is but a private case of it.


That cuts both ways in fact just because you're too cowardly to put the gun to the heads of people who have more money for you so you get 'free stuff', doesn't mean you're not mugging people for your magical social programs.

Taxation is theft, period. I would think that you would understand just because the force is hidden from view that it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Don't you opine empirical adventurism in the middle east, or exploitation of slave labour and human trafficking?


I vote, always have. Still i find it hard to trust politicians after seeing so much widespread corruption. Politics is a calling not a career. They are chosen representatives of the people yet many serve their own agenda and for that trust to return i want accountability. If a politician is corrupt he/she should be reprimanded meaning fired. Without a farewell bonus or relocated to another job with even more money.


Indeed by reading comments below I have realized the pessimism is still there among public. But we dont have alternative other than democracy. Howsoever we perceive democracy as a den of corruption, nexus, self aggrandizing kind of stuff but its democracy only through which we can achieve the greater objective of equality, liberty, fraternity & dignity of human being.Its importance to be better understood by people under monarchy, anarchy and oligarchy.


We're in the 'who will watch the watchmen paradox'.

Though in my opinion that's a inevitable bi-product of monopoly.

You know what happens when the restaurant you're eating in sucks? You go across the street to a better restaurant.

But hey put it in a political context and this is what we are 'urged' to do. If we're in a restaurant that sucks, we are expected instead to petition the management to serve higher quality food, hire more competent staff, be more efficient.


That is nonsense. Libertarianism promotes personal responsibility, NOT individuality. In a libertarian society ppl can pull resources, work together, form local communities as much as they like.
Since libertarian govt has less power and less to say about ppl in general, it will also be less advantagious to bribe them. With current big govt (e.g. USA), there's simply to much at stake for big corps not to buy themselves into a prviledged position.


This logic of democracy having intrinsic value is faulty: Stewart is begging the question that equality and dignity of the individual are inherently valuable. Democracy is by and large a system of governance that seeks to employ ALL of those involved.
When democracy is used in a society of individualists, that inherent value of liberty and free speech reflects in a self-interested manner. People become apathetic. It becomes the norm to despair and give up on government policy.
