Unlock The Power Of Nature: An Herbal Action Handbook

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A Beginners Guide to Herbal Actions
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In this video we're covering 19 of the most common herbal actions that you may encounter with a few examples in each category
💫 To see the full written blog post that accompanies this video:
💫 Related videos:
💫 To see the full playlist on Plant Features:
💫 My favorite website to get herbs:
💫 My favorite place to get ingredients for body products:
💫 Follow along with Natural Living Alchemy:
Thanks for spending this time with me, may you find Peace wherever you are 💖
💫 Angela
The information in this site is solely for educational purposes, and has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The information in is not intended to diagnose, prevent, treat, or cure any disease or illness. It is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for your own physician's medical care or advice.
#tutorial #naturalliving #naturalmedicine #NaturalLivingAlchemy
💫 Music used in video:
- Intro: Far Away (Sting) by MK2
- Outro: Hear the noise (string) by John Deley and the 41 Players
Sound effect: Gradual Shimmery Woosh Effect
00:00 Introduction
01:51 What are Herbal Actions?
02:11 Adaptogen
04:36 Alterative
06:44 Anodyne/Analgesic
08:26 Astringent
09:39 Bitters
12:15 Carminative
14:04 Cholagogue
15:42 Choleretic
17:42 Decongestant
19:30 Demulcent
22:02 Diaphoretic
26:43 Diuretic
29:07 Emmenagogue
31:16 Expectorant
33:39 Inflammation Modulating
35:16 Nervine
37:54 Spasmolytic
39:34 Trophorestorative
40:31 Vulnerary
42:57 Conclusion
⬇⬇⬇ Click “SHOW MORE” for more info ⬇⬇⬇
In this video we're covering 19 of the most common herbal actions that you may encounter with a few examples in each category
💫 To see the full written blog post that accompanies this video:
💫 Related videos:
💫 To see the full playlist on Plant Features:
💫 My favorite website to get herbs:
💫 My favorite place to get ingredients for body products:
💫 Follow along with Natural Living Alchemy:
Thanks for spending this time with me, may you find Peace wherever you are 💖
💫 Angela
The information in this site is solely for educational purposes, and has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The information in is not intended to diagnose, prevent, treat, or cure any disease or illness. It is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for your own physician's medical care or advice.
#tutorial #naturalliving #naturalmedicine #NaturalLivingAlchemy
💫 Music used in video:
- Intro: Far Away (Sting) by MK2
- Outro: Hear the noise (string) by John Deley and the 41 Players
Sound effect: Gradual Shimmery Woosh Effect
00:00 Introduction
01:51 What are Herbal Actions?
02:11 Adaptogen
04:36 Alterative
06:44 Anodyne/Analgesic
08:26 Astringent
09:39 Bitters
12:15 Carminative
14:04 Cholagogue
15:42 Choleretic
17:42 Decongestant
19:30 Demulcent
22:02 Diaphoretic
26:43 Diuretic
29:07 Emmenagogue
31:16 Expectorant
33:39 Inflammation Modulating
35:16 Nervine
37:54 Spasmolytic
39:34 Trophorestorative
40:31 Vulnerary
42:57 Conclusion