Tools and techniques: no dig bed prep

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Use less time and effort, for better results. Know and be familiar with a few key tools you need. Video inspired by a conversation with Stephanie Hafferty, from questions asked on the FB Group Undug.
I show efficient and easy use of just a few tools. We start with moving compost in my old wheelbarrow, a vital tool.
You see how a manure fork contrasts with a digging fork. I use the former to load a wheelbarrow, and break lumps of compost so that spreading is more even and compost is then more available to soil organisms

I show using a rake & explain why levelling is good, for even distribution of compost, then it's easier to hoe, plant and sow.
I spread compost and make level either with the manure fork.
I explain firming and use my foot, if sowing or planting immediately

Maintain the bed and path weed free. If coming back later, say very early spring, you may need to Hoe. I show how to use it effectively.
Also how to remove perennial weed roots with a Trowel, using bindweed as an example.

Transplanting: it's easiest and quickest to pop in small plants.
How to make a hole - I show use of a Dibber.
How to plant with a trowel eg potato seed

00:00 Introduction
01:00 Loading compost with a manure fork or shovel and breaking up lumps
05:00 Difference between homemade compost and horse manure
06:45 Compost bucket and harvesting carrots
09:18 Using a rake to keep an even surface on your beds
11:03 Using a wheelbarrow to apply compost and using a fork to spread the compost - bed prep
14:18 Trowel and dibber for planting
18:55 Swivel / oscillating hoe for weeding and raking techniques
21:12 Trowel for planting potatoes and for weeding
24:16 Edging with long handled shears

Filmed and edited 8th November 2020 by Edward Dowding.
At Homeacres small, no dig market and teaching garden in Somerset UK, temperate oceanic climate zone 8.


#nodig #growyourownfood #growyourownveggies #nodiggardening #marketgarden
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Charles is nothing short of a national treasure.


It is not only the knowledge and sharing that inspires me. Charles’s expression and attitude is so motivating and I just couldn’t help being propelled to go into the garden


If the world was full of Charles Dowdings, it would be a much nicer place.

Can’t wait to plant out my 2 new no dig beds next year!


If you ever start a 24-hr live stream from your farm, I'll never get anything done. 😝
Much love and thanks to you and Edward for such wonderful videos. 🤗❤️


You could have harvested in total silence this bed of carrots and I would have just been sitting here going woah and aah at every carrot. They're so beautiful ! Great video, thanks for all your effort !


Charles, thank you for all your inspiration and knowledge 😊, I am always looking forward to the next one! I live in Sweden and have practised no-dig successfully for more than 12 years now!


Here in New Zealand, we are grateful for the work you put into your content. C19 has got us all growing our own tucker now. Cheers mate


I watch these videos over and over and catch something new every time. Thank you for all the knowledge you are sharing!!


Tried last week to explain hubby why I need a manure fork... cannot wait to show him your video now!
I wish I would have seen this many years ago. But next year will become awesome, due to all the knowledge we got from you.


After watching you for multiple compost vids Im convinced No dig is the way to go. Officially switched over by fixing up my beds the way I want and thats it! No more digging for me.. even expanded my compost pile😁


Your videos inspire me to get to work in my garden and at the same time totally relax me at the end of the day. Thanks Charles.


It's very easy to watch you, listen to you, learn from you, and want to get up and do it like you ! Thank you very much.


It always amazes me how simple your method is, spread compost once a year, that's it. The American market gardeners I watch they always prep a bed after each harvest, seems so much work.


If i could my garden to look even 1/4 as nice, i would be onto something. great video.


I´ve learned so much this year following you that now I have my first homemade compost and also preparing to harvest lots of delicious peas, lettuce, beans, cilantro, parsley, ... Thanks a lot from Chile


I’ve always been a fan of not disturbing the soil and microorganisms within, so what a joy to find others who feel the same. We are ripping this planet apart, one way or another, releasing gasses and killing off species during the process. However, if all us flower and veg growers followed Mr Dowding’s advice and plan, our small changes could be hugely significant! The kind and gentle way you manage your soil, plants, and your whole gentle manor is very encouraging. Thank you.


One of the great aspects of watching you, is that we are just coming into spring sowing in New Zealand, so my binge watching during winter, has given me a tonne of inspiration. Thanks so much Charles... bring on the growing season 😁😁


You are one of few gardening channel I watched.Learned a lot of tricks from your videos and apply them to my home garden.I also love 💘 your soft voice.Filipino-Kiwi pensioner watching from Auckland New Zealand.


That robin chirping away throughout the video is so wonderful. Especially now when birds here in central Europe have been silent for over three months.


Fantastic Tools....
You have a lovely and huge garden....Charles D.
