8 SMELLS DOGS HATE 🐶❌ (Some You May Not Know!)

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🐶👃 Many of the smells that we love, dogs find very unpleasant. Do you want to know what they are? Discover in this AnimalWised video 8 smells that dogs hate. Does your dog hate these smells too?


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Last night I sprinkled red pepper flakes on my lawn because some lady let her dog poop on my lawn. I am watching her on my Ring camera right now and the dog didn't stop, didn't sniff, etc. The dog got the heck away from my property very very fast! The dog didn't step on the red pepper either. It just got away from the property so I am going to continue using red pepper flakes.

Update! 20 minutes later I checked my Ring camera again to see her walking the dog across the street but walking super fast. So when she initially walked by earlier she saw all the red pepper flakes! It's the owner and not the dog. She is a bad owner. She is not stupid though. She had enough sense to go across the street.

So the red pepper flakes worked. I poured 8 ounces of McCormick Organic Crushed Red Pepper. I ordered it off Amazon.

Update: The bad owner hasn't come back but I am up every morning looking for her.

Update June 2022: No dog owners walk their dogs past my house anymore. The red pepper flakes worked. I think some of them may have had to go to the vet because of it. I think it burned their paws. So there are currently no animals on my property. No dogs. No cats. Nothing. Peace is here finally.

Update February 2023:

I only get approximately 2 people who walk their dogs past my house. They don't let the dog urinate or deficate on my property. They don't even let the dogs walk on my grass. The dog owners are finally 100% respectful. I'm happy. I have not sprinkled red pepper flakes since June 2022. I'm glad I don't have to do it because it hurts the dogs and it's not the dogs fault! It's the owners fault!

However I mailed 1 neighbor an letter stating if he let his dog deficate on my lawn I was going to report him. The fine is $500. He got the letter and won't walk past my house anymore. I sent the letter in advance because last year he kept bringing his dog to my house every morning to deficate.


Good stuff to know... I've been looking for things to put in the areas of my yard where inconsiderate dog walkers allow their dogs to urinate (killing grass and ornamentals) and leave stinky landmines (to step in or get scattered by lawnmowers)... So, if your dog starts having problems, you'll know why.


My dog definitely hates lemons. I squeeze lemon juice around the areas he use to mark. Stopped that problem quick


Good info if you have an inconsiderate neighbor. YouTube has great (inexpensive) how to videos on how to make pepper sprays, vinegar and water, citronella sprays, and other smells dogs don’t like. I’m ordering a gallon of vinegar to make mine because my new neighbor moved in with two dogs. By month 2, he has four dogs and they all come to my yard to pee and poop. I asked manager for an 8’ divider fence, but it never materialized. I bought stakes and fencing but she doesn’t care for them. So, time to do it myself with sprays and laws. Unfortunate


People are such dogs, we should be allowed to bill those who use our yards. Dog urine kills are yards, these dig humans are careless. They have their own yards but use yours.


Good to know the lists of the smell dogs hate worst. You can also use them to defend yourself and your pets on the walk against
attacking dogs. I have been sporting trigger spray with its nozzle choke adjusted for max range. Compact screw top bottle attached for tank. And it is loaded with vinegar, chili, and pepper mixture. Anytime mean dogs come for me, I shoot such beasts with this. And they will start to avoid me ever after. Dogs are generally keen learners. And will stop messing with someone too tough to push around. If you have meek or small dogs often face attacks from their kind, I recommend this as the defense weapon.


I don't understand why dog walkers let their dogs poop in front of our houses. Such cheap people.


Vick rub on vapour helps prevent a dog from chewing furniture, I have found.


I hope Vinegar will work. I have a creepy neighbor who lets his dog pee in the patch of grass right next to my door. Seems the man is always there when I leave...kinda feels like he lingers to spy or look into my apartment when I open the door. Very annoying.


Some reason i dont like the smell of a dog.


Other than citrus and chile, I don't like the smell off everything else in this list also. I'm okay with a few perfumes, but in small amounts only.


You said dogs do not like alcohol. Years ago over 30 years ago we used to have a Cairn Terrier. She loved whiskey. You had to make sure if you are having a glass of whiskey you didn't leave your glass on the floor. Because before you realised she had drank your whiskey. She wouldn't look at any other spirits it's only had to be whiskey. When my dad went go to the tantalus to get a drink the dog would sit and wait. She lived to be 18 year old never had any health problems other her hearing was going. When she died and we buried her we put in a miniature bottle of whiskey. Every morning she always got a cup of tea and a slice of toast it had to be buttered. She also got a icecream when the van came if she didn't get it there was hell to pay.


I am going to try all these products today, fed up with my inconsiderate neighbours dogs ruining my front yard.


Have a pitbull a husky and three other dogs roaming all around my house lately. Will try the pepper flakes and mothballs if those don't work will try those animal catcher traps animal control uses and get rid of them that way.


Thanks! I will try the vinegar and crushed pepper. My nephews dog has been pooping alongside my vehicle's driver side door for over 10 years. I am sick and tired of it. I will update.


Thanks! I’m tired of my sisters dog shiting and pissing under my desk and bed and doesn’t even bother to clean it.


Dogs: Poop here, pop there, all they like to do is poop almost anywhere
SOME dog owners: Oh I wouldn't mind leaving that dirty suff there
Me and the doctors: That stuff can literally spread parasites, disease and a lot of harmful bacteria
Me (specifically): When will people even start caring for public health, alongside that letting a pet poop in public and private property (not if the private property is specifically your own property) is illegal and the pet owner not only worst case a pet owner can go through is end up with heavy charges, and imprisonment (my source of the last sentence about charges and imprinoment is/was Google). .


We adopted a 6 month old, and we have acreage in the country. We are leash walking her around what we want to be her boundaries. She learns fast, but I am still concerned with the roadway some 500 feet away from the house. Looking for home made recipes for a barrier that won't hurt the soil, plants or wildlife to re enforce the no no status of the driveway which would be a natural trail to run down into the road. Looks like Red pepper might be the ticket then. Thanks.


I put vinegar on a cloth to wipe over my leather couch, the dog started liking the cloth, tried lemon juice, didnt work, I'm trying after shave next


One dog in my neighbourhood loves all these strong smells..specially petrol & kerosene...he sniffs & gets high 😆...lie down on back & starts doing weird & funny movemnts...
I noticed his love for these smells while i was once pouring petrol in my scooter & he was lying close by...& he suddenly gets curious & even tried to snatch bottle from me...😆
He might b loving the intoxications & enjoy some unknown hallucinations 😆....
